Is your Lumia 920 display Flickering / blinking ?

I have this problem with my new device which I got replaced with my old phone. I think heating is causing this issue because when I play games or when I am using it heavily then the flickering occurs and that too when glance screen on. Otherwise nothing. My old 920 did not had this issue.
I have the same problem just under sunlight. But I found a solution. If You select low in Brightness (turn off Automatic), the issue will be gone. I guess the screen sensor just cant act fast enough to adapt itself with heavy light
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Some update on this is that my phone stopped flickering when glance screen appears even after getting hot on. Or while charging the phone.
I have the same problem..., lots of people are having this problem. I wonder what causes it!?
Did Nokia service fix your phone or is the flickering back?
I have two nokia lumia 920 with same problem... :eck:
I downloaded nokia care suite and installed, I downloaded the latest version ...
I started the installation of the instructions and installed the same ... It says that it is in offline mode and it is necessary to disconnect from online, I think the computer ...
[XDA News] [How To] Download and flash all WP8 Nokia Lumia Stock ROM - xda-developers
After connecting, I did calibraciju everything I could, and we were offered ...
ALS calibration is required to have another similar device and both must be in test mode (I have L920 and L1020), both of which are in test mode and I did a calibration on the second L920.
I do not know if I should, I turned off the light in the room and did the calibration according to another device.
Nokia Care has requested that the devices are next to each other in order to give it more like reading ...
I do not know if I was able to do anything to improve ... I'll just see ... Sorry for my english (google translate... :crying: )
I'm not shure... Work fine on low light and medium... Work's!
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I experienced the same lock screen flickering issue with my L920.

Bought 3 days back.

With 1st device started facing the issue within 45 minutes of opening the box. I doubt as I started doing the wireless charging and when it goes hot it started giving this problem.

Returned the device. Got the 2nd handset using since last night started the same problem again this afternoon.

I got one personal call, went outside to take the call when I droped the call checked status update. Then lock the screen and bang on started the ******* problem again.

To regenerate the issue, I did the same went inside kept the mobile idle for few mins until it gets cool, then again went in direct sunlight, tried browsing and after 5 minutes locked the screen then the moment I get off the sunlight the problem started.

So the reason it is pretty obvious it has some heating issue, when ever it gets hot the screen gets started flickering.

This is really shame for Nokia, I don't expect this from Nokia. Before this I had L925 in that I didn't faced such issues, it is only with this L920.

Any how left with no other option rather than to wait for new release of l device.
I had this issue too when I bought 920 last month. Got a replacement three times before finally getting one without issue.
Hi, I am currently using Lumia 925. I encounter this issue very often . I think the main reason begin this is overheating of phone . I usually encounter it when my phone is hot as hell. This is the problem with all high end Lumia phones.
I bought the phone as a Christmas present and it had the problem the first 5 minutes of using...eas not even able to create a Microsoft account at start.....the phone got all updates and its overheating all the time when in use draining battery really quick...every time no matter what you do the top of the screen starts to have a line and then after couple minutes it comes down and screen starts flickering it is impossible to do anything on it at that stage. It I brand new and I don't know what to do so my mother can have the present its allreasy 2016 and iam very disappointed.

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