Issues with my microsoft band


New member
Nov 14, 2014
Hello everyone,
I am new to this forum.

I just received my Microsoft Band from USA, I am from Spain.

I got the Microsoft Health App changing my region to USA, and then put it back to region Spain.

I have the next issues:

1 - When I try to see my Sleep summary in the Microsoft Health App, the whole App crashes and closes. Does anyone know how to fix it, or is it a common problem?
2- It seems I can't get my band to notify me about e-mails from Gmail or Exchange account, it works perfectly with two Hotmail accounts I have. Does anyone know how to solve this? All the accounts have the same notification config.

My cell is a Nokia Lumia 930 with Windows Phone 8.1 Cyan and I have the same problems even if my cell phone remains in USA region

Anyone have used adhesive tape as screen protector, because here in spain there's no way to get Zagg, and making a custom one with a phone's screen protectors does not fit correctly because of the screen not being at the same level than the rest of the Band.

Thanks to everyone, and I am loving my Band so far.
You can get armorsuit screen protectors for microsoft band on ebay (m.ebay (.) com/itm/251709399793) but you have to use a forwarding service because they only ship to us. Shouldn't cost much, though..
You can get armorsuit screen protectors for microsoft band on ebay (m.ebay (.) com/itm/251709399793) but you have to use a forwarding service because they only ship to us. Shouldn't cost much, though..
Or you could buy them direct. They ship internationally from their website
Ok, I bought a protector from armorsuit, they have already shipped it.

On the other hand I have solved some of the previous issues I stated.

1- Sleep summary only works if the regional format under region settings is as United States. You can have your country region, but the format needs to be the same as united states.

2- After changing the language from my phone to English, even though my region is still Spain, seems to have fixed the problem with the e-mails, now I am receiving all the notifications from all my email accounts.

A new issue appeared though, although it seems that almost all my App notifications are appearing in the band's notification center, I can't get Skype notifications to work.

Some people said that it worked, but the only different thing I have from them is that they stated to be in 8.1 developer preview, which I am not.

If someone could help me with this skype matter, it would be highly appreciated.

Buenos d?as Victor.
Me pongo en contacto con usted porque buscando informaci?n de la microsoft band, he visto que en ?l foro de windows hacia una pregunta acerca de su funcionamiento.
Me gustar?a saber como la ha comprado ya que tengo inter?s en adquirir una y aqu? en Espa?a todav?a no se vende. Aprovecho tambi?n para preguntarle acerca del funcionamiento del gps, ya que le dar?a bastante uso puesto que practico running.
Le dejo mi correo electronico "sergiosliks" arroba hotmail punto com y mi telefono por si quiere ponerse en contacto conmigo via whatsapp 645859249. Un saludo.

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