It is about 3 weeks I cannot send and receive SMSs. It is Lumia 950 XL on T-mobile.


New member
Jun 12, 2013
It is about 3 weeks I cannot send and receive SMSs. It is Lumia 950 XL on T-mobile. I called help to T-mobile. An agent did not help, send me to tech support they did not help, opened ticket it did not help too. I've reset APN several times and reset phone but it did not help. I put SIM to another phone (Lumia 920) and was able to send and receive SMSs. So the problem is in Lumia 950 XL settings or updates.
The question is what I can set, change or check on my Lumia 950 XL?
I know you tried putting that sim in a different phone, but have you tried a different sim in the 950XL? Just head down to your local carrier and they should be able to help you try that.

If resetting to factory didn't fix it, I wouldn't think it has to do with updates or settings. But Calls work and SMS does not?
Calls are working good and sms are not. I did not try different sim on this phone but it is good idea. I'll try tonight with my wife's sim.
I did hard factory reset and it works now. As I expected I've lost some settings. One of the important was apps layout. That is why I was scare of this.
Thanks to everybody for help.

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