Ive been using my 1020 for about a month now and it has changed the way I use tech. I have two kids and my wife and I are(were) iPhone users. The pictures are ok but we are always underwhelmed at the fact that we are capturing our kids life on a cellphone camera. The 1020 takes pictures that leave us in awwwwwwww. I actually could care less about the operating system. A mobile computing system is just a bonus that is included on one of the best (if not the best) point and shoot cameras available. Smartphones connected us wirelessly but it really just stopped there. Nokia has addressed a big issue with what tech to carry. The phone is solid and feels perfect in the hand. The back wart lets you know that you won't have a partial finger in a pic. Double tapping to turn on or using the camera button is a joy. I walk around looking for things to take pictures of. All I need now is a Cyan colored one with 64 gb.
The picture was taken going 50 mph and is a low res version.
The picture was taken going 50 mph and is a low res version.