MS sees users of android and Apple as customers, which overrides their competition against google and Apple. They are a software and user services company first, software and services competitor second. With that said, MS just doesn't have the market share to ignore 95% of smartphone users. It does not make good business sense. Also, MS owns several patents that Android/google uses, so it's not a total lo$$ having so many Android users. And it's not a total loss against Apple either as Siri uses Bing and I think Yahoo still does too.Google won't share there apps with windowsphone like YouTube, google earth, dropbox and so .. The question is WHY DID MICROSOFT SHARE BING APPS, ONEDRIVE AND OFFICE WITH ANDROID ?? It's really not fair they get our apps and we don't get theirs
If you watch Gates and Jobs when they took the stage for the 2007 D5 conference, you'll understand MS business vision as described by Bill Gates. Even way back then Gates understood what needed to happen today.