Jack Ryan rocks a Lumia!


Sep 28, 2011
Just saw Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit. Jack Ryan has a Lumia 900, his girlfriend has an iPhone and the bad guy has a Blackberry. Lots of good Windows Phone screen time in that movie!
Wondering how much Microsoft, Apple and BlackBerry paid for that type of advertising. Because believe it or not, any products that you see used by the actors are advertising.

I don't see why Nokia or MS would pay to have a character use a phone that isn't available anymore.
I saw Jack Ryan on 18th as well and came here to basically post the same thing!

I did not catch that the phone was a 900 but interestingly, the OS is Windows Phone 8 as I think it had "text to reply" for incoming calls. As Scienceguy Labs says though, the Lumia 920 was released in November 2012 and shooting had already started a couple of months earlier.
Looking at the size and look, and the live tiles especially when Jack put it in the drawer, it resembles 920.
But when he drove to chase his wife kidnappers, it resembles 900.

Anyway, good to see Lumia on the screen where it is the good guy's weapon..
Wondering how much Microsoft, Apple and BlackBerry paid for that type of advertising. Because believe it or not, any products that you see used by the actors are advertising.

yeah like cameron diaz using Tag Heuer cellphone at the counselor ^_^

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