Just received the Laptop dock

Just updated the lapdock to firmware T057 and the trackpad is much better now either wired or wirelessly. Combined with last week X3 firmware update, this makes the phone-laptop combo very enjoyable! The only thing I miss now is the trackpad deactivation when I type at the keyboard.
I'll chime in with using the Lap Dock with a 950XL. I actually have had a lot of problems with the trackpad and returned two-- the third one is acceptable. Here is my experience with all three:

#1 would reliably crash my phone anytime I tried to use certain multigestures-- it really didn't like me trying to drag a Notification Center message away. Other multigestures, such as two-finger scroll, would work sometimes and other times lead to a phone crash. Also, clicking the pad wasn't super reliable, especially the right click. There was maybe a 1cm strip along the bottom that registered a right click. It wasn't perfect, but all in all, I could live with this. However, the perfect being the enemy of the good..I exchanged it for a new one.

#2 had a straight up terrible trackpad. It was jerky with simple mouse movements and would crash the phone even with single finger gestures. The click was awful. It was almost a two-stage click response, one very light, and one requiring more force. Tapping to select was unreliable. The only way it was usable was with an external mouse. Back it went (and I was thinking I should've stuck with #1).

#3 is, thankfully, the best of the bunch. Multigestures are still hit or miss, but single finger movement works with no issues at all. The click action is the best of the three, and the right click area is where it is supposed to be. We have a winner.

Even now, the initial wired handshake isn't exactly smooth. My phone will make the USB connect/USB disconnect sound a couple of times, and sometimes the taskbar won't show up, necessitating a reconnect. I'll usually get a message on my phone that the USB device is not working properly. I'll just dismiss that message and everything will start working normally.

It's encouraging to hear there's a new firmware update. Of course, as I don't have an Elite X3, there's no way for me to get it on my phone. I must say, though, that the Microsoft store in LA has been very helpful in all of this, exchanging the units with no questions asked, even though I'm not running it with an "officially supported" phone. I'm hoping they'll be able to let me connect to an Elite at the store and update my firmware.

EDIT: a few other observations: standard keyboard shortcuts such as Alt-F4 and Alt-Tab work (which was very helpful for me when I had dock #2 that had an unusable mouse). Running the latest Fast Insider build, with screen timeout enabled, if I do the "sleep" Fn combination, the phone screen immediately turns off. Very helpful for me as I like to keep my phone timeout at 5 mins usually.
I just wish the phone would slide in where the trackpad is so the phone could be your trackpad and the phone would be automatically connected wired if only continuum would support landscape mode on the phone
Another update: I purchased this USB-C to USB 3.0 hub with gigabit Ethernet:

Tek Republic TUN-310C USB Type-C 3 Port Hub with Gigabit Ethernet Network Adapter - Newegg.com

I connected it to the Lap Dock and hooked up a WD Passport drive that I have. Works like a charm. I also connected it to my router and turned off all wireless data. I can confirm that the Ethernet is working. I was getting 55 Mbps download speeds (the same as my wired desktop) via speedtest.net. I thought it would be a good opportunity to download some large app updates and podcasts :grin:
Would be a nice accessory to try out. Also would like to try a lap dock to see if I can retire my Surface Pro 3. :-)

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