Just saw this video of Android Lollipop. Is WP way behind?

Android cannot win in low to mid end in terms of performance against wp because android needs high specs devices.wp don't need specs it needs apps.Android is still a specs heavy os.No matter what generation they put still it need specs to run better than wp.
From Windows phone
You for forgot about Windows Phone 6.5.X, you also forgot about Windows Mobile before that. Microsoft has the longest experience of all mobile OSs.

Just my .02 for the day

6.x was actually Windows Mobile. It wasn't called Windows Phone until 7.0.
You for forgot about Windows Phone 6.5.X, you also forgot about Windows Mobile before that. Microsoft has the longest experience of all mobile OSs.

Just my .02 for the day

The legacy issue is probably one of WP's biggest problems. The original focus of WM was on the business/enterprise market that the Blackberry dominated back in the mid-2000s. To a large extent WP still is focused on the business market. That's why so many features in WP are currently accessible only with tools that most consumers don't have and will never have.

Apple and Google didn't have that legacy baggage. They both focused on the consumer, investing in what the consumer wanted and shaped their OS around that. That's why they breezed past Blackberry and Windows Mobile with iOS and Android.

MS has been playing catch-up but still has those legacy issues to contend with. Until they leapfrog past iOS and/or Android in terms of consumer focus, they will always be a distant third. My guess is that they really aren't interested in doing that by focusing on smartphones. They're hoping that Windows 10 will be enough of a gamechanger so that the effects will flow down to smart devices like smartphones. Who knows, in 5-10 years they might be right. But does anyone believe that iOS and Android will ever lose their consumer focus and stop improving their OS to allow MS to catch up?
oh the eternal stupid fan war

i watched the main video and just i find nothing interesting, the functions shown as pin a app and the notifications are not a new or interesting or useful thing, just Android look too kiddish , is not much new that have seen than transitions and effects of fading a la IOS style, now android copied to IOS and Windows Phone. Also i had 5 phones all entry level and mid entry level on Android running 2.2-2.3 4.0-4.2.2 and all them have glitches , from System not responding to extreme slow, in Chile the smartphones are not as cheap as in the United States so most people goes by entry level or mid level phones , what try to say is that Android for get smooth need an 16 core processor and 1Tera hertz of processor for run smooth, so just i still with windows phone . just wonder why android fans comes to here to cause arguments and either how come that people like that wants to push to people to have their own tastes and preferences.

Yeah because Wikipedia is always correct right?

No offense, but I've had every major windows mobile and phone device for the past 14 years.

I remember when HTC wasn't a public company and they built Audiovox phones.




We had arguments about this years ago on XDA. As I said, I was in the custom roms and windows phone 6.5.x was when the name change officially happened. My HTC Touch Pro had a custom rom with it.
Yeah because Wikipedia is always correct right?

No offense, but I've had every major windows mobile and phone device for the past 14 years.

I remember when HTC wasn't a public company and they built Audiovox phones.




We had arguments about this years ago on XDA. As I said, I was in the custom roms and windows phone 6.5.x was when the name change officially happened. My HTC Touch Pro had a custom rom with it.

6.5 is Windows Mobile on MSDN. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb847935.aspx

True indeed. However from the link I provided.

"Microsoft, all versions of Windows Mobile? from the extant 6.1 to the forthcoming, total-overhaul version 7?will be pulled under the Windows Phone umbrella, a move seemingly presaged by the announcement that the new Windows Marketplace for Mobile, will be open to all versions of the OS"

They have tried to sweep Windows Mobile under the rug. Windows Phone 7 was still using the same kernel as windows mobile thus we knew it was doomed from the start.

Those of us that were around remember this rebranding.
Those of us that were around remember this rebranding.

You must admit that it is strange that MS doesn't seem to remember it. Anywhere. I can't find a single official web page from MS referring to it in that way. Apparently MS is very consistent in calling it Windows Mobile 6.5. If there was a rebranding, MS apparently forgot to carry through with it.
I don't get why people insist on saying windows phone is better or worse than this or that. Just enjoy what works better for you in terms of your style and productivity level.

It is logical that Android is ahead of WP 'cause it has been around for ever in comparison with WP. The same goes to IOS.

I'd you're willing to switch to WP, then do it. That is
"Microsoft, all versions of Windows Mobile— from the extant 6.1 to the forthcoming, total-overhaul version 7—will be pulled under the Windows Phone umbrella, a move seemingly presaged by the announcement that the new Windows Marketplace for Mobile, will be open to all versions of the OS"

Emphasis mine.

"Will be pulled" does not mean "was pulled"; you're quoting something that was supposed to happen at the time it was written. Obviously Microsoft did not follow through, or they had a change of heart after that was written, as 6.5 was, in fact, Windows Mobile.
So if WP isn't way behind does that mean everyone here is happy with the current version? Nope?

Action Launcher for Android brings the alphabetical listing of WP, but in a much more useful packaging. Personally, I've tried WP, and it's just not there yet. I really hope 10 is a massive step forward, as I'd love to give it another go, but at the minute, its just not there.

And with a market share of 3-4%, its clear that the general public feels the same way.
Google Material Design is inspired by Microsoft Metro UI. I hate it when other companies copying Microsoft.
It's a nice video.

I completely fail to see anything here that puts it far ahead of Windows phone.

I like the multi user stuff, but I suspect we will get that with W10. I absolutely can't stand ask the "buttery animations"... just horrible.

I also think that 99.999% of people will not be using hardly any of the features he was demoing. Everything seems to require quite a bit of knowledge... use two fingers instead of one while swiping down and it does something different. Does something different when you swipe from the left vs right vs down. Hit this little lined icon and this happens. This does NOT seem user friendly to me... most non programmers I know would not want to take the time to learn all that garbage, and instead would simply find one way they can get to something and stick to it because if they do it a different way it "doesn't work right".

I just don't don't see what is so attractive here.
Quoting Daniel Rubino won't really help your case because I've seen that you people selectively believe what he says.

If I told you that tests he conducted found that an iPhone 5S took better images than the 925. Or that he found it easier to take photos with an iPhone 6(as opposed to the 1020) at a concert because of the speed?

Unless someone here we're to make a comparison between a Moto G and Lumia 730(or 830) we won't know which OS performs faster in the low/mid range, until then please take this test as a reference:


And that test was without Android Lollipop(ART, better garbage collection). Android won in both touch responsiveness and speed.

Dan Rubino is a far more reliable source of information than you are. People are allowed to have differing opinions you know so we don't ALL have to agree with him.

Do you really want me to post the video comparing the One M8 for Windows and the One M8 for Android which shows that on identical hardware Windows Phone beats down Android not only in battery life but performance as well. Guess what, that test was also done without Android Lollipop?
You must admit that it is strange that MS doesn't seem to remember it. Anywhere. I can't find a single official web page from MS referring to it in that way. Apparently MS is very consistent in calling it Windows Mobile 6.5. If there was a rebranding, MS apparently forgot to carry through with it.

Maybe so, but facts are facts.

We didn't make these splash screens. Microsoft did.


Emphasis mine.

"Will be pulled" does not mean "was pulled"; you're quoting something that was supposed to happen at the time it was written. Obviously Microsoft did not follow through, or they had a change of heart after that was written, as 6.5 was, in fact, Windows Mobile.

Ok. We can argue this mess forever but facts are facts.

All of the leaked rom splash screens back then were labeled windows phone.

On a side note, the name windows phone didn't catch on until way after Windows Phone 7. As windows mobile 7 was a real OS.

I was a real fan back then, this was before the term ****** was thrown around, lol.

I can't find the official page as its long gone, but Microsoft had one. I posted the windows phone 6.5 sdk link a few post ago.

It should also be noted that this was a time when we were getting screen shots of Windows Mobile 7 ( not windows phone 7), after it was scrapped. I wish I kept those screen shots!

Microsoft was all over the place.

The HTC Leo which was renamed the HTC HD2 was supposed to be upgraded to Windows Phone 6.5.x and then Windows Phone 7. However that never officially happened. It happened tho lol.

Like I said all of this has been swept under the rug. Those of us that were around remember it. Not trying to argue but present the facts, the few that still remain. This site didn't exist. Ppc geeks, XDA , and a few others were around. We had new leaked windows phone 6.5.x rom builds each month. Sometimes twice a month.
And what proof is there of that statement?

I can't find any video about low end devices, but comparing high end ones, Android performs way better:


The Android device simply beat the Windows Phone, and this test wasn't even with Android Lollipop( then the difference would've been even bigger).

That so called "speedtest" was flawed on so many points, it was laughable as a review. It'll obviously play into the ****** wars but has no real basis as an unbiased comparison. Nice try.
well obviously it's behind. Android is open source. Been around for longer, millions of APIs etc. however if you compare WP 8.1.1 to iOS 8.1 is there really much of a difference?
Honestly, I think this is amazing. You can't question its functionality as it's Android, this is to the people saying that Android isn't as functional as WP. We know that WP is behind in many regards and must admit it. Moving on to the OS itself, I think Lollipop has improved and organised the look of the whole OS, prior to this, it was fragmented and un-rythmic. As a matter of fact, (and I might be bashed for saying this) I don't mind using any Mobile OS, be it WP, iOS, Ubuntu or Android as long as it doesn't get in my way.

Is WP way behind? No. Does Android 5.0 have customisations beyond that which WP currently has? Yes. But simply being ultra configurable does not a great phone, make. Neither does having fancy transitions on tiny UI elements turn Android into some super advanced mobile platform. IMHO, WP excels far and above Android in part because it gets out of your way to enjoy the experience. The UI is still way more fluid, more integrated, more personal and no, I don't work for Microsoft.

I bought into the WP concept when it was officially announced way back in February 2010, having been completely disappointed with WM6.5.2. I love the Metro way of doing things. I love the deep use of beautiful typography rather than overuse of shiny bevels, gradients, textures, shadows. Android, if anything, is catching up with the modern UI language that Microsoft started way back with the Zune player. The technologies in lollipop are pretty much the same, with some incremental improvements in usability but more and more, I see the bombardment of endless settings everywhere as a hindrance, more than a help.

Sure, there are plenty of ways that WP can improve but eye-candy isn't one of them. Microsoft got that nailed from day one and everything since, makes using WP a pleasure and they've thankfully stuck to their guns and only improved in places where it has made sense.

For example, I feared that the addition of folders on the Start Screen would be a disaster and a clear break from the Live Tile experience. Microsoft completely blew me away. The combination of folders and Live Tiles just works and is a breath of fresh air (again) against the static and rather PC-like folder implementation that Android employs. The Android UI is still trying to "add polish" as described in the video, meaning, it's been a complete mess to date and is now an afterthought.

I'm always asking my Android friends, does your phone *really* make you smile as you use it every day? Mine does.
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