Kingdoms and Lords XBL Friends

I've added about 40 of you, please check your message box! I'm an active player, level 30, I need Kingdom & Lords neighbours to exchange materials (to unblock training, to level my units up) and complete missions. If you want to add me too, my gamer tag is LoboFX.
Hi, I have been playing Kingdom & Lords, need friends to exchange materials, upgrade units and unlock missions. I have added 'LoboFX', 'm0nkey62' and 'CalmLyric423' as a friends in my XBL account.

Add me my XBL Gamer Tag is 'FireShale'.
I was facing the same issue on my phone. What you need to do is login to your XBOX live account via browser and in there you can add friends. This is a work around. Enjoy ! :smile:
it worked thanks you Lance_WPCentral. Can I add friends using android and ios ? I am using windowphone
it worked thanks you Lance_WPCentral. Can I add friends using android and ios ? I am using windowphone

If you meant you want to add friends who are using Android and iOS in this game, then no way. That's Windows Phone Xbox Live games' limitation. You can only play with other Windows Phone users.
Hi, I have been playing Kingdom & Lords, need friends to exchange materials, upgrade units and unlock missions. I have added 'LoboFX', 'm0nkey62' and 'CalmLyric423' as a friends in my XBL account.

Add me my XBL Gamer Tag is baconordie

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