Latest update kills Cortana


New member
Jun 1, 2014
After updating to .14219.341 yesterday from the previous pfd version it decided to put a Cortana tile on.... And break it!

She now doesn't hear anything I say. This was a problem on my old 630 when first trying pfd and it turned out to be an issue with the Speach Settings and turning off Read Incoming Text Messages solved it then, but it's set to off.

I've read it maybe was related to BT, which maybe relevant as I connected to a car BT and took some calls yesterday, so maybe Cortana was borked before the update?

One strange thing is that if I disable Cortana and delete both the phone and online data, when I enable again the settings/interests are still there?

EDIT: OK I don't think it's the pfd update as it works fine with a mic plugged in.
It looks like the BT hasn't 'returned' control to the second mic, now this a known issue from months why no fix?.....grrrrr

EDIT: Looks like it IS a BT issue as I can't delete the BT connection to the car, it's miles away but still shows in the BT devices and can't be removed. So my thoughts are that it 'thinks' it's still connected to it so disables the second mic.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
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Having decided it's a second microphone issue, i.e. if I make a Skype test call using the handset mic it's fine, use the 2nd one (hands free) I don't hear anything, then:-

  • Soft joy
  • Hard joy
  • Lumia Software Recovery to guessed it!
Looks like it's got to go for repair, annoying as I'm 99% sure it's not a physical problem.

If a mod wants to move/rename this post then please do as it's not really a pfd issue.
Do you turn BT off when it's not being used? I ask this because I wonder if it's something as simple as turning off BT.
Do you turn BT off when it's not being used? I ask this because I wonder if it's something as simple as turning off BT.

I turned off BT and my wellbeing improved immensely. I'm sure Cortana could benefit too. We all could.

Edit: I guess comments like this don't work on an international site.
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I turned off BT and my wellbeing improved immensely. I'm sure Cortana could benefit too. We all could.

Edit: I guess comments like this don't work on an international site.

Huh, WTF are you talking about as I was talking about the problem OP has!!!!
Huh, WTF are you talking about as I was talking about the problem OP has!!!!

It was very clearly an anti-British Telecom joke. Just as it was very clear to me you were talking about the problem the OP has. Must we state the obvious? It's awfully draining emotionally and mentally.
Yes I turned BT (or is that GPO) off....wish it was that simple!

After a hard reset, then reflashing to a non-pfd firmware (so I can return it) you would have thought it reset things?
It was very clearly an anti-British Telecom joke. Just as it was very clear to me you were talking about the problem the OP has. Must we state the obvious? It's awfully draining emotionally and mentally.

As I said in one of the articles, the language / regional barrier(s) show when it comes to acronyms & humour lol.

Going back on topic, Cortana still works fine for me after the latest update however the same can't be said for the battery drain when the GPS is on... It is moment's like this have me wishing that MS should have decoupled Cortana from the GPS to the extent that she could at least be enabled with it turn off...

To the OP, have tried pairing your phone to a laptop or PC then deleting the connection the car?
I had a similar issue once with a headset, I had to pair it my laptop and another headset just delete the headset which I initially paired my phone with.
Yup, I paired with a MD12 and Bluetooth (thought I better spell it!) works fine while connected.

Also tried to delete the car connection, but the delete was greyed out.

After reflashing back to stock, still the same, so I'm guessing it maybe a hardware issue with the second mic? Anyway its going back to get sorted 😊

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