Leadership change/WP future? Ars article

If MS killed WP7 and jumped to an incompatible Windows 8-based phone OS, they'd be dead in the water. No one - hardware makers, consumers, developers - would trust them not to do it again.

People are buying Wp7 handsets now with contracts that could take them to the end of 2013. They're not going to be impressed if the format they bought into is dead by mid 2012.

With this and the iOS software released MS are sending out some really mixed signals just now. I think they could do with issuing a press release tidying things up, if only to reassure everyone.
With this and the iOS software released MS are sending out some really mixed signals just now. I think they could do with issuing a press release tidying things up, if only to reassure everyone.

The masses though have no idea about all these behind the scenes speculation...until you start to see articles pop up by the drones, I mean bloggers, about how they are worried they made the wrong choice, there isn't anything to worry about.

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