
Guys you are all talking about lenses here and have pointed to lenses like cinemagraph, smart shoot and panaroma. I tried searching the app store but could not find them. Are these lenses available to non Nokia phones too, if yes can you please point me to the right direction. I ama newbiew to Windows Phone - just moved from android.
I have updated the list, there are 64 lenses now available.
Some are nokia exclusives.
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if you guys know a lens app that is not in the list mention it in your comments and I'll add it to the list
Guys you are all talking about lenses here and have pointed to lenses like cinemagraph, smart shoot and panaroma. I tried searching the app store but could not find them. Are these lenses available to non Nokia phones too, if yes can you please point me to the right direction. I ama newbiew to Windows Phone - just moved from android.

Check the new list. I have made it more clear and linked all lenses apps to the store. hope this helps
Sorry, but what is this "lenses".... I founded on Camera the button and shows me a few of my apps related to my camera....
Lockscreen Lens
"Lets you quickly take a great picture and set it to your lock screen. You can add filters and with the camera's highly customizable settings, create a picture that is lock screen worthy"

A slight bit of step saving, tho not much. Now if it opened via the camera button.... but it does have some editing/filters for on the fly adjustments...so maybe some potential for someone.
Music Lens Free (Ad supported)
Music Lens (Ad free)

New very cool lense (accessable via both Camera Lens list and Photo Album Editor in addition to regular App list)...
Overlays onto taken photo or pic selected from album. Overlays include music playing info (song, artist) with options for added lyrics, current time, location, filters + text format options(size, color). Pics saved to Saved Pictures album in Photo Hub.
Various sharing options

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