[let's fight together] Viber taking away our paid sticker packs


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Sep 20, 2016
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[Sorry for long message, but if you use Viber, or if you simply want everybody to keep having a good Viber app on their Windows phones, please read.]

Hey, guys! I believe most of you are unaware of this issue, and that everybody will become aware of it only at some moment after they reset their phones, or reinstall, or reset Viber app. Those who haven't bought these sticker packs are being affected already.

The thing is that Viber are adding sound to some sticker packs, such as Lola, and Lola and Legcat = Forever. (Right now if you click on these links you will be told how these sticker packs are unavailable, while they shouldn't be.)

They first added sound to Lola stickers, and those sounds are available on Android phones, iPhones, and the win32 Viber app for desktop, while the UWP app Viber still displays the old versions without sound, but only if you had downloaded this sticker pack already. If you had not, then you're out of luck. You won't be able to see those stickers, nor to send them, even though you might have paid for them.

I have contacted their support, and they just keep asking those standard questions, and we go around in circles, until they would tell how they don't plan to do any work on the UWP app anymore.

But that is not actually necessary, only they don't want to listen. The app works great, the only issue is that the old sticker pack without sound had been misplaced, so that the app can no longer find them. So what they would need to do right here is simply to return these sticker packs without sound back online, or, if it is necessary, to move those ones with sound elsewhere and update Android and iOS apps for that, and just to return the old ones in their old position.

I just can't believe they cannot solve this problem easily, because those who already have this sticker pack downloaded, they can still use them - send them or receive them, with no issues. They just need to allow us to download these sticker packs, and we would be satisfied.

So, as my previous writing to their support gave no success few months ago, I was hoping that we could do this together. We could try to write them in large numbers, and complain about this, or even better, maybe Windows Central/Mobile Nation could help us by contacting Viber directly. What do you say? These stickers have been misplaced, and we only want them back on the server for us, Windows 10 mobile users.

I am not sure if Windows Phone 8.1 users are being affected, though I would guess that they are. Also, this is not the last sticker pack they are about to take away from us. It is obvious that they plan to put sound into all other Lola & Legcat sticker packs, than we are about to lose them as well.

Demian Mioc

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Jan 12, 2015
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I've noticed this too, some stickers are lost for good unfortunately. Too bad, because their UWP app is nice and functional, has PC counterpart unlike Whatsapp, and it isn't slow as Messenger. Considering their customer service, my mom had an issue with her Viber, she couldn't type initial SMS password, invalid region error if I recall. After my long correspondence with Viber personel, her issue wasn't fixed. She couldn't use Viber on her phone for a YEAR, after that her account was automatically reset and now her Viber works as it was supposed to. With such example of slow and incompetent customer service, I don't see how could we get stickers issue resolved. I'm considering other clients, like Line etc.


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Sep 20, 2016
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Actually WhatsApp does have a win32 app which can be downloaded from their website. Just like Viber. Only that Viber has win32 app, and UWP app, but this UWP app has same issues on PC as on mobile. The only positive thing with Viber are their stickers which are much cuter than on any other chatting platform.

I do agree with you when in comes to their support. I must say that they were quick in give l giving their first replies, but that's it. They just wouldn't tell my anything useful, and in some occasions I felt like I knew more about this matter than they themselves.

But still, this may not mean that we can't solve our issues. Our problem here may not matter if we could speak to the right people. Now that's something I could hardly do... Like who am I? :) Some random guy asking for help at their support page. But maybe somebody more relevant from Windows Central could speak to somebody who knows what can and what cannot be done.

If may not be the same. If I wrote them, my message would be read by some incompetent support team member, and in the best case scenario they would ask one of the developers about it, and they would say "nah, we've declared that we're not working on UWP app anymore... Until the better days."... But we're not asking for them to give us these speaking stickers, we just want to keep what we've had by now. The app still works great, the issue is on the server. So no need to update the app. Just fix what you did wrong on the server, and that's it. It is possible that they may need to do some minor work on their Android and iOS apps, but that would be no big deal for them, they update these apps on regular basis anyway.

And yes, we could simply switch to another chatting app, but I would just try to keep what we've had by now as well. If it would come to moving to another chatting platform I would demand return of money from Viber for both of these packs. Because they are carelessly taking away from us something that we have paid.

But I hope we can deal this with them in better way. :)

Sent from mTalk on Windows phone


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Sep 20, 2016
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Yes, I know, but I'm talking about something that they used to sell to us, and now they are carelessly taking it away, while it takes them almost zero effort to keep it. Each of these sticker packs is 2 bucks.

But we actually don't know, maybe they would listen to us. We haven't had a chance to speak to those people from Viber who actually know how things work, because for common users they've been behind the wall of their support team which doesn't help us actually.

And maybe they simply need to know that we want this. :) Like I said, even an update for the UWP app isn't necessary, they could try to do what they need to do on the server.

Once again, if nobody from here wants to try, I'll try to speak to them myself, but like I said - if somebody spoke to them about this problem as a representative of the biggest Windows Phone community, maybe they would be willing to help. :)

One more thing. Every Windows 10 S user is being affected with this problem as well, because UWP Viber app is all they can get.

Sent from mTalk on Windows PC


May 15, 2013
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Actually WhatsApp does have a win32 app which can be downloaded from their website.

True there is a win32 application however it's in essence a relay as it uses your phone to send and receive messages. The easiest way is to double check is to send messages with the Win32 app after turning off mobile data and WiFi connections on the phone that you have linked the Win32 application with.

Just like Viber. Only that Viber has win32 app, and UWP app, but this UWP app has same issues on PC as on mobile. The only positive thing with Viber are their stickers which are much cuter than on any other chatting platform.

The issue is more evolved when it comes to the store UWP application... but that is no excuse.

I do agree with you when in comes to their support. I must say that they were quick in give l giving their first replies, but that's it. They just wouldn't tell my anything useful, and in some occasions I felt like I knew more about this matter than they themselves.

That's what usually happens with first tier support...

But still, this may not mean that we can't solve our issues. Our problem here may not matter if we could speak to the right people. Now that's something I could hardly do... Like who am I? :) Some random guy asking for help at their support page. But maybe somebody more relevant from Windows Central could speak to somebody who knows what can and what cannot be done.

A community led effort will have a greater affect then one post / one voice :).

If may not be the same. If I wrote them, my message would be read by some incompetent support team member, and in the best case scenario they would ask one of the developers about it, and they would say "nah, we've declared that we're not working on UWP app anymore... Until the better days."... But we're not asking for them to give us these speaking stickers, we just want to keep what we've had by now. The app still works great, the issue is on the server. So no need to update the app. Just fix what you did wrong on the server, and that's it. It is possible that they may need to do some minor work on their Android and iOS apps, but that would be no big deal for them, they update these apps on regular basis anyway.

Try twitter and facebook as there bound to be other users in the same scenario as yourself so there is greater exposure, I personally do not use Viber as much so I cannot say much when it comes to app performance.

And yes, we could simply switch to another chatting app, but I would just try to keep what we've had by now as well. If it would come to moving to another chatting platform I would demand return of money from Viber for both of these packs. Because they are carelessly taking away from us something that we have paid.

But I hope we can deal this with them in better way. :)

There are laws of governance when it comes to removal of paid content, however that depends on the region and when it comes content like this - it's a very grey area as apps suchas Viber operate in many regions. Generally companies cover themselves in the small print however that doesn't give them free reign when it comes to taking content away that has been specifically paid for - as not everyone reads the small print.


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Sep 20, 2016
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Interesting, I didn't know that win32 WhatsApp works like that. Well, that is one more reason why I would prefer services which use accounts instead of this one, in which they link to your phone number. None of them, not Viber, not WhatsApp, not Line..., can be used in case you lose your phone number. For example, if you move to another country. Plus, synchronizing between devices would be much better, as it is the case with Skype.

I still hope that we could convince them somehow to have a look at this. Or if at least Microsoft finally did something regarding its mobile OS, which would definitely bring back their attention. In fact, I could understand Viber being disappointed in Microsoft. They did a great effort in making this new UWP app, unlike WhatsApp, and many others who decided not to bother with UWP for now. And all that only to see Microsoft not doing anything to bring more users to this platform, or possibly even giving up the platform.

Come on, Microsoft... At least announce something like that new Windows mobile with CShell, which leaked at some moment this summer, and which wouldn't support Silverlight apps. Not like this when totally nothing happens at all. :(

Sent from mTalk on Windows PC


May 15, 2013
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Interesting, I didn't know that win32 WhatsApp works like that. Well, that is one more reason why I would prefer services which use accounts instead of this one, in which they link to your phone number. None of them, not Viber, not WhatsApp, not Line..., can be used in case you lose your phone number. For example, if you move to another country. Plus, synchronizing between devices would be much better, as it is the case with Skype.

I hear you, however losing your phone is not as big of deal as it was in the past as most people are on contracts not pay as you go. So even if you did lose your phone, you can always get another sim and transfer your number over and then install whatsapp or any other service that relies on your phone number.

I still hope that we could convince them somehow to have a look at this. Or if at least Microsoft finally did something regarding its mobile OS, which would definitely bring back their attention. In fact, I could understand Viber being disappointed in Microsoft. They did a great effort in making this new UWP app, unlike WhatsApp, and many others who decided not to bother with UWP for now. And all that only to see Microsoft not doing anything to bring more users to this platform, or possibly even giving up the platform.

The issue I see is that Microsoft has taken a failed gamble on quantity over quality - look we have x billion number of PCs = = to x billion store users!

But in reality it does not work without any damn mind share, hearts and minds - Ballmer got the mix right... sure some people give him hell for his decisions but because of him we still have xbox and by extension the halo franchise for example.

Come on, Microsoft... At least announce something like that new Windows mobile with CShell, which leaked at some moment this summer, and which wouldn't support Silverlight apps. Not like this when totally nothing happens at all. :(

Sent from mTalk on Windows PC

You see Microsoft is looking at this like an engineering problem and the sections of the current management appear to be completely risk averse and short term sighted.

From an engineers point of view, if you have a defective part - you take it and replace it. But any engineer worth their salt, will take the defective part and replace it with a better part.

Skype is a perfect candidate for Microsoft's analogy as it has no coherent vision or design let alone pathway. It was getting their with basic features and that can be forgiven because Skype was a desktop based solution not a mobile based solution. Therefore they needed to redo the back end however the mobile experience is shoddy and poor... it has been for several years. It does not take several years for any serious organisation to refocus the back end infrastruction to a mobile centric vision.

When it comes to UWP as Daniel pointed out there is alot of confusion (rightly so), when most people mean UWP they mean Windows Store Apps. Sadly, given Microsoft is giving conflicting messages through spoken and their actions - Developers have not been widely embracing the Windows Store.

The premise is simple, enterprise users have very little use for Windows Store Applications. Consumers however live and breath in a App-Centric environment - Which sector did Microsoft forego completely?


You see the problem?

Without users you will end up with dwindling number of developers, without developers you won't have applications. Without Applications - you do not have users.

Thus the entire ecosystem simply crashes after an inflection point.

However Microsoft is fortunate as they still have brand awareness through xbox, Blackberry / RIM did not have that and not to mention their revenue stream was and is not as diverse as Microsofts.

But sooner or later, Microsoft if they continue this path of completely foregoing the consumer space and engaging in short term profit gains (reducing the wage bill is the easiest way to increase your profit margin temporarily) and risk aversion they will hit a similiar inflection point in the future.


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Sep 20, 2016
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This is what I wrote to them. Let's hope they will show mercy. :)

Also, note that these stickers are possible to receive on Windows Phone 8.1, and not on Windows 10 mobile. They can't be downloaded (nor bought) on any of these two platforms, but a Windows Phone 8.1 users would receive a non-animated sticker in case somebody sends it to them, while a Windows 10 (mobile) user would get that gray could with spinning circles, as if it tries to load the sticker, but can't.

>>Another sticker pack unavailable due to introducing stickers with sounds on other platforms

Dear Viber support team, I am writing you this message in hope that you will forward it to your developer team, and that they could do what is the best for everybody, and in the easiest way for your developer teams as well. Please, contact me if I may be of any assistance.

Before Lola sticker pack became unavailable when you introduced sound to this sticker pack. Now we have a similar issue with another sticker pack as well, Lola and Legcat = Forever. I fear that we may keep having this issue with any future sticker pack on which you bring sound.

Few more words. This issue is present on the UWP Viber app for Windows 10 on both PC and mobile. In this app one can receive and send a sticker from one of these packs only if they have it downloaded from before. If one tries to get this sticker pack, they would get the message that this sticker pack is unavailable. No matter if they had bought the sticker pack before, or not. If I do a hard reset on my phone now, I would lose this sticker pack, and I wouldn't be able to send it, nor receive it. On Windows Phone 8.1 the situation is slightly better - they are able to receive the sticker, but they are still unable to buy this sticker pack. (Note that these sticker packs on Windows Phone 8.1 are not animated, while on Windows 10 (mobile) they are animated.)

>>My guess to what is the problem
I believe that you used to have animated sticker packs for Android, iOS, win32 Windows, and Windows 10 at one spot. When you introduced these new packs with sound, you replaced the old ones without sound with the new ones with sound, and that is how Windows 10 (mobile) users lost their sticker packs from the server.

>>My guess to how to solve this issue
One way would be to update the app for Windows 10 (mobile), but I am aware that you've said you wouldn't update the app for now. That is, not until Microsoft does something to bring new phones and new users to the platform. I understand that, you did an awesome work on this app, and in a way - Microsoft has left you down the same way as they let down all users and fans of this mobile platform.

BUT, I think that you can solve this issue without an additional work on the app itself. The app itself relies on sticker packs that are supposed to be present somewhere on the server, and now they've been misplaced. Could you do something to get this sticker packs back to the server?

>>For the end
We would appreciate it very much. You've done an awesome job with your app for Windows 10, it is so enjoyable to use it on both PC and phone, but if only we could keep these sticker packs. That is - be able to receive them even if we don't have it downloaded from before, or be able to downloaded by restoring our sticker packs, and keep using it. It would be such a pity that this awesome app doesn't get this tiny issue fixed. Please, make it perfect once again. :)

Sent from mTalk on Windows PC


May 15, 2013
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This is what I wrote to them. Let's hope they will show mercy. :)

Also, note that these stickers are possible to receive on Windows Phone 8.1, and not on Windows 10 mobile. They can't be downloaded (nor bought) on any of these two platforms, but a Windows Phone 8.1 users would receive a non-animated sticker in case somebody sends it to them, while a Windows 10 (mobile) user would get that gray could with spinning circles, as if it tries to load the sticker, but can't.

Sent from mTalk on Windows PC

Awesome, keep us updated!

Also how did you send it - email or social media?


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Sep 20, 2016
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I certainly will.

On their website there is a form by which one can send an email to their support. The link for that is somewhere in the footer on the web page.

Sent from mTalk on Windows phone


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Sep 20, 2016
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Hi. I wrote them again, and now I got this reply.
Hi Samir,
Thank you for taking the time to reach out to us with your ideas to improve the Viber experience!
Your request will be considered as our teams work on upcoming versions.
I’ll be closing this ticket, but feel free to reply to me with any further suggestions.
Best regards,
Kate Z.
Viber Support Team
Quick question? Tweet to @ViberHelp
Hopefully we got their attention, and they will work on fixing these issues. Like we noticed before, it is not even necessary for them to work on Windows 10 app, they actually only need to get back some stuff on the server, to replace something else, and to update their apps on other platforms accordingly.

*fingers crossed*

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