Hi all,
have some trouble with my lumia 950 and light sensor.
Not everyday i unlock my phone or i have incomming call the screen is black. After i use the lock /unlock button the screen is readable but is set to low brightness all times - no response on light or changing in settings.- nothing happens. Helps only restart.
Normaly have set 50%brightness + auto - my phone is updated to last public version W10M.
Test with light on sensor: i put light on sensor - the brihtness s going auto on max, light off - after 10 seconds is back on set brightness.
Is 10 seconds normal or have trouble with light sensor?
Thanks David
have some trouble with my lumia 950 and light sensor.
Not everyday i unlock my phone or i have incomming call the screen is black. After i use the lock /unlock button the screen is readable but is set to low brightness all times - no response on light or changing in settings.- nothing happens. Helps only restart.
Normaly have set 50%brightness + auto - my phone is updated to last public version W10M.
Test with light on sensor: i put light on sensor - the brihtness s going auto on max, light off - after 10 seconds is back on set brightness.
Is 10 seconds normal or have trouble with light sensor?
Thanks David