Linus Sebastian, a well-respected tech personnel on YouTube, says that WP is "a phone for no one"...

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Karthik Naik

Jan 17, 2014
Re: Linus Sebastian, a well-respected tech personnel on YouTube, says that WP is "a phone for no one

I subscribed to him, and I seriously agree with most of what he has said. He gave Windows Phone a fair try last year and Android as well(he was an iPhone user prior to this).

He has been using Android since last year, he didn't move to Windows Phone or iOS after that. His claims are very logical and I think he is one of the best technology reviewers out there.

Windows Phone is often praised by fanboys like you for having a Store with zero scam apps and zero fake apps, plus Microsoft has a much more rigorous app testing system, and no refund system either. So he wasn't wrong when he insulted Microsoft for not having removed the Swiftkey clones.

The cons he has pointed out make sense.

iOS appeals to users for it's simplicity, your grandpa will figure it out, your parents will, etc.

Android is known for having a decent amount of simplicity while also having a possibility for a lot of customization.

No idea what WP is targeted for though or what it does much better than Android or IOS.

dude im not gonna report you but calling someone a ****** is against the forum rules,since i respect you and agree with some of your points im not gonna report etc just sayin :)

back to topic,i gifted my dad,mom and grandad a bunch of windows phones- 720,820 and 720 again, they found it much easier to use than android,ios is very easy for older people but the higher price tag and missing features like bluetooth are a few concerns why i went ahead and bought the phones in the first place(i was an absolute android ****** back then and rocked a few phones like galaxy note 2 ,galaxy nexus and a few more) once i tried out the 720 for a week before giving it to my dad,i fell in love with it ,my dad literally had to snatch it from my hands a week later because even he was eager to use it
i waited a whole year and finally gave in to buy a 720(red),it totally paid off ,i bought a 820 for $150 a while later and soon after a nexus 5(for android app developement) and a z10 (for bb10 app development)
after all this i must say i like all the operating systems equally but as a phone ,wp did exactly what i expected from a phone-battery life,camera,bluetooth etc
with android(before i got my nexus 5)it felt like i was constantly running about 3rd party themes,apps ,roms etc and missed out something or the other with each change
ios is great but only as a tablet os-the ipad is the best tablet ive used hands down(yet to try a surface or any windows tab)
android is great in many ways but doesnt feel "in place"-to get a good experience you have to run around or get a nexus and lose out on otg and sd card slots but buttery experience in comparison
this being said each to their own preference and as a developer for each mobile platform i personally found wp the most balanced os
its not about games or apps which i can run on my nexus 5,7 or my ipad
its about how it functions as a phone with battery life,camera performance etc
thats just my opinion again and im not saying everyone will agree :)


May 12, 2014
dude im not gonna report you but calling someone a ****** is against the forum rules,since i respect you and agree with some of your points im not gonna report etc just sayin :)

back to topic,i gifted my dad,mom and grandad a bunch of windows phones- 720,820 and 720 again, they found it much easier to use than android,ios is very easy for older people but the higher price tag and missing features like bluetooth are a few concerns why i went ahead and bought the phones in the first place(i was an absolute android ****** back then and rocked a few phones like galaxy note 2 ,galaxy nexus and a few more) once i tried out the 720 for a week before giving it to my dad,i fell in love with it ,my dad literally had to snatch it from my hands a week later because even he was eager to use it
i waited a whole year and finally gave in to buy a 720(red),it totally paid off ,i bought a 820 for $150 a while later and soon after a nexus 5(for android app developement) and a z10 (for bb10 app development)
after all this i must say i like all the operating systems equally but as a phone ,wp did exactly what i expected from a phone-battery life,camera,bluetooth etc
with android(before i got my nexus 5)it felt like i was constantly running about 3rd party themes,apps ,roms etc and missed out something or the other with each change
ios is great but only as a tablet os-the ipad is the best tablet ive used hands down(yet to try a surface or any windows tab)
android is great in many ways but doesnt feel "in place"-to get a good experience you have to run around or get a nexus and lose out on otg and sd card slots but buttery experience in comparison
this being said each to their own preference and as a developer for each mobile platform i personally found wp the most balanced os
its not about games or apps which i can run on my nexus 5,7 or my ipad
its about how it functions as a phone with battery life,camera performance etc
thats just my opinion again and im not saying everyone will agree :)

Yeah, sorry about that I may have gotten a bit serious about that. :p

Haha, the greatness of Windows Phone was easy to point out. Windows Phone provides a balance between simplicity and customization, and it looks beautiful on top of that.

While I personally prefer Android over Windows Phone, I don't go around telling people that they have a terrible device. I actually want Windows Phone to grow(as it's my second favorite OS).

Linus can go a bit too far insulting products, but I seriously think that for the most part this review of his was logical, especially because he gave a point of view from a person that heavily relies on Google services.


my family had 0 wp experience and picked it up easily; just as easily as they could pick up an iphone. it's really not that confusing an os, and it's been very well recieved as a 'first smartphone' for people. indeed, a lot of reviewers to this day still recommend wp as a great 'first smartphone'.

The truth is that, iOS, Android and Windows Phone are all pretty easy to use. If one doesn't want to customize anything he can just pin a few icons or tiles and be done with it.

But Linus is right when he says that Microsoft doesn't clearly define who Windows Phone is made for.

They need to work on improving their strategy, instead of always making ads that compare Windows Phones with Android/iOS devices.
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New member
Aug 30, 2011
Re: Linus Sebastian, a well-respected tech personnel on YouTube, says that WP is "a phone for no one

The problem, like in every similarly related topic, people discussing it don't know how to part ways with their own opinions without butting heads. I could repeat my opinion until I'm blue in the face, but that doesn't mean everyone will agree. That needs to be understood

As far as how WP operates, again there are things it could do better to attract mainstream traction, but consumers don't know how to choose phones that are suited for them. They don't know how to find something that fits their needs, and only know Samsung and Apple. I hear a lot of my moderate using friends talk about the things that their phone can do, and I'm more than sure that if given a chance they would be just as comfortable with Windows Phone. The only thing that's not there is the Google Services officially.

For me, Windows Phone works fine. Sure there are a few apps that I'm missing, but I have that in my iPad. And if I'm being honest, I rarely pick up my iPad except for class and to send gifs to my friends (I was using popular dating apps on there as well but got tired of that too). I love the cacheing of Metrotube, the UI of Audio cloud, the layout of my homescreen with the transparent tiles, the unobtrusive notification panel, the facebook and twitter integration so I can glance and go, and I love anything Rudy Huyn related lol. Plus, Microsoft services such as Xbox Music work better FOR ME, especially Xbox Music and it's individual artist download and playlist creation, unlike most music apps where you'd have to create a bunch of playlists to be able to play them offline.

But my life isn't like Linus Sebastian and probably not like most of the users here. That's how it works folks

Now I just need to find some damn hardware to satisfy me, and hopefully the M8 is that phone or the 730


New member
Jun 12, 2014
Re: Linus Sebastian, a well-respected tech personnel on YouTube, says that WP is "a phone for no one

I have used smartphones since 2008. HTC Mogul was my first one. Android, iOS, Windows Mobile, WP7, 8, 8.1 and WebOS. Currently my favorite is WP8.1 . Why? It suits my needs. I don't want to spend hours playing with my phone anymore, or testing to see how fast it is, or romming it, I have arrived at the point where I JUST WANT TO USE THE DAMN THING. WP 8.1 gives me everything I want in a straightforward fashion. I do wish it would just let me play music from folders, but hey, everything is a trade off. But I am not everyone, and I understand why other people like iOS and Android. Paying so much attention to some person on YouTube because he is "respected" (by who?) is a waste of time. WP is gaining marketshare with well made devices and continual improvements. Let Linus stick to what he likes and ignore him. Whenver I whip my phone out and ask Cortana to remind me of something, and she replies, people are like "wow that is pretty cool". Same when she reads me a text. Or when I can get to something in 5 seconds that other people have to search for. Like what you like and screw anyone else.


New member
Jul 9, 2014
Re: Linus Sebastian, a well-respected tech personnel on YouTube, says that WP is "a phone for no one

Well, he was spot on when he talked about the lack of developer support but he was clearly biased when he bashed core OS features as unintuitive, slow, workarounds and what not. Also, most people tend to agree that the default windows phone keyboard is the best among default keyboards on other offerings. True, even I feel it is too tall and takes most of the screen real estate but that isn't some make or break thing that he made it be. Not to mention bashing MS for scam apps when Android is littered with the same problems. I've not seen any balanced review bashing windows phone after WP8.1. They all agree that although WP needs some improvements, it has caught on with Android and iPhone on core OS features more or less. Only thing missing is the app quality and developer support.

But it was very biased of him to assume that everyone is a power user hence everyone needs android.

Having all said that, I really liked his style. Somehow, I didn't actually feel offended even with all this biased behaviour.

And when he said, "I understand people have a thing for supporting underdogs or doesn't like the services provided by rival companies, you have a new windows phone," it looked as though he was addressing me. Lol.
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New member
Aug 30, 2014
Re: Linus Sebastian, a well-respected tech personnel on YouTube, says that WP is "a phone for no one

I subscribed to him, and I seriously agree with most of what he has said. He gave Windows Phone a fair try last year and Android as well(he was an iPhone user prior to this).

He has been using Android since last year, he didn't move to Windows Phone or iOS after that. His claims are very logical and I think he is one of the best technology reviewers out there.

Windows Phone is often praised by fanboys like you for having a Store with zero scam apps and zero fake apps, plus Microsoft has a much more rigorous app testing system, and no refund system either. So he wasn't wrong when he insulted Microsoft for not having removed the Swiftkey clones.

The cons he has pointed out make sense.

iOS appeals to users for it's simplicity, your grandpa will figure it out, your parents will, etc.

Android is known for having a decent amount of simplicity while also having a possibility for a lot of customization.

No idea what WP is targeted for though or what it does much better than Android or IOS.

It seems odd you are on a WP forum and you cannot figure out who it targets. Everyone at work who has one is a software developer.


May 12, 2014
Re: Linus Sebastian, a well-respected tech personnel on YouTube, says that WP is "a phone for no one

It seems odd you are on a WP forum and you cannot figure out who it targets. Everyone at work who has one is a software developer.

Wow. nice. So Windows Phone is just made for software developers? That explains why it has such a low marketshare. -.-

They need to clearly define their market, that's what I'm saying.


New member
Aug 30, 2014
Re: Linus Sebastian, a well-respected tech personnel on YouTube, says that WP is "a phone for no one

Wow. nice. So Windows Phone is just made for software developers? That explains why it has such a low marketshare. -.-

They need to clearly define their market, that's what I'm saying.

Just for developers? Are you trying to imply that the only WP users are at my work and are developers? Thats some mighty small marketshare being a whole 3 users.

Do you need someone to hold your hand and tell you who it is for? No wonder society is crumbling, people have lost the ability to think for themselves. It does explain iOS popularity though.

We obviously found who its for, as we use it. In fact, everyone on this forum that uses WP figured it out, sans you and Linus (and they aren't all developers). Or maybe we weren't waiting on someone to tell us who it is for first? What makes you think its exclusively for developers?
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New member
Nov 15, 2012
Re: Linus Sebastian, a well-respected tech personnel on YouTube, says that WP is "a phone for no one

Well I was a little overzealous in my last note so I apologize for making any derogatory comments regarding Linus (Laura slapped me straight). I do think my message is valid though.

One fairly obvious issue I have with the review is when Linus goes through and acts frustrated when the phone gestures and swipes don't behave as he thinks it should. If you've been using one phone OS and then suddenly jump to another phone OS the same would happen to you, and you could feign the frustrating experience just like Linus does. That doesn't mean WP is bad pr unintuitive, it means he just hasn't used it much. Even his compliments are digs. He says the animations are smooth and then says but so are other phones so no big deal. He simply *appears* very biased against WP.

I have owned Android and iOS and WP is just a cleaner, nicer-looking OS to me. Plus the bottom line is I can do more quicker with my WP. I remember when I had my first iPhone and Android. In less than a year I was out looking at other mobile platforms. With WP8 and my Lumia 920 I am close to 2 years and still love WP. After 2 years the 920 still has great horse-power and performance. The only reason I am thinking of getting a new phone is the HTC M8 for Windows looks pretty damn sexy. If I don't get the M8 I will use my 920 on a pay-as-you-go plan.

So why anyone would feel like a 'moron' (op's words) for using a phone they like because someone else discredits it is beyond me. My take is if someone doesn't like my phone then I don't care - I'm using it because it fits my needs, not theirs. Especially when the few people who have dissed my Lumia have never even used all 3 mobile platforms. I have, and WP is the one I prefer by a long shot.

And as it was noted, yes, my take is subjective; but so is Linus's. That's my point. He is just expressing his subjective, biased opinion, and that means nothing to me.


May 12, 2014
Re: Linus Sebastian, a well-respected tech personnel on YouTube, says that WP is "a phone for no one

Well, he was spot on when he talked about the lack of developer support but he was clearly biased when he bashed core OS features as unintuitive, slow, workarounds and what not. Also, most people tend to agree that the default windows phone keyboard is the best among default keyboards on other offerings. True, even I feel it is too tall and takes most of the screen real estate but that isn't some make or break thing that he made it be. Not to mention bashing MS for scam apps when Android is littered with the same problems. I've not seen any balanced review bashing windows phone after WP8.1. They all agree that although WP needs some improvements, it has caught on with Android and iPhone on core OS features more or less. Only thing missing is the app quality and developer support.

But it was very biased of him to assume that everyone is a power user hence everyone needs android.

Having all said that, I really liked his style. Somehow, I didn't actually feel offended even with all this biased behaviour.

And when he said, "I understand people have a thing for supporting underdogs or doesn't like the services provided by rival companies, you have a new windows phone," it looked as though he was addressing me. Lol.

His objection to the UI wasn't just the keyboard it was the atrocious size of some titles and very small text beneath it. Windows Phone needs to improve the UI/UX to take less screen space, the keyboard is one of the best however needs to be made smaller and possibly a bit more "colorful".

When he referred to the scam apps, Microsoft has a reputation of having a more rigorous app approval system. Android may have certain scam apps but they are often removed and you can always have a refund in around 15 - 60 minutes, not sure if you can do that on Windows Phone.

Haha I also like supporting the underdogs, that's why I chose Android a few years back and I also tried Windows Phone for around eight months, both are great OSes but I prefer Android.

Just for developers? Are you trying to imply that the only WP users are at my work and are developers? Thats some mighty small marketshare being a whole 3 users.

Do you need someone to hold your hand and tell you who it is for? No wonder society is crumbling, people have lost the ability to think for themselves. It does explain iOS popularity though.

We obviously found who its for, as we use it. In fact, everyone on this forum that uses WP figured it out, sans you and Linus (and they aren't all developers). Or maybe we weren't waiting on someone to tell us who it is for first? What makes you think its exclusively for developers?

In your previous post you said that at your workplace everyone that owned a Windows Phone was a software developer, that's why I assumed what your point was.

Windows Phone is definitely not only made for software developers but it doesn't cater to "power users" and it isn't as simple as iOS, but what it does do great, is provide a balance between functionality, simplicity and customization.

Instead of bashing Apple and Samsung in their advertisements they should really focus more on the good points of Windows Phone which would be; DSLR like control over camera, great cameras, beautiful OS, etc etc...


New member
Jul 30, 2014
Re: Linus Sebastian, a well-respected tech personnel on YouTube, says that WP is "a phone for no one

I also was annoyed by this video.

I normally love Linus and have followed him for some months. This video was the first I clicked the dislike button on.

I clicked it primarily because he used the entire video to explain all the bad bits of Windows Phone. As a Windows Phone user (Lumia 1520), I will admit that a lot of what he said does apply... but there is also a lot of good and Microsoft are actively making it better. There was very little coverage of all of the actual phone, the One M8 for Windows... yes, the hardware is identical but it would have been nice having some commentary on the software modifications made by HTC... instead he dismisses it as a phone he would "give to my mum, perhaps".

I'm not criticising him for holding those opinions personally and I don't think he is unfairly biased - after all, it is subjective and he gets paid to create unbiased videos from manufacturers - but I think that video could have been used to better effect - rather than just highlighting all the annoying niggles about Windows Phone.


May 12, 2014
Re: Linus Sebastian, a well-respected tech personnel on YouTube, says that WP is "a phone for no one

I also was annoyed by this video.

I normally love Linus and have followed him for some months. This video was the first I clicked the dislike button on.

I clicked it primarily because he used the entire video to explain all the bad bits of Windows Phone. As a Windows Phone user (Lumia 1520), I will admit that a lot of what he said does apply... but there is also a lot of good and Microsoft are actively making it better. There was very little coverage of all of the actual phone, the One M8 for Windows... yes, the hardware is identical but it would have been nice having some commentary on the software modifications made by HTC... instead he dismisses it as a phone he would "give to my mum, perhaps".

I'm not criticising him for holding those opinions personally and I don't think he is unfairly biased - after all, it is subjective and he gets paid to create unbiased videos from manufacturers - but I think that video could have been used to better effect - rather than just highlighting all the annoying niggles about Windows Phone.

While I agree that he spent more of his time bashing the product than actually pointing out the great features about it, this wasn't as much of a review as it was a "Windows Phone: Revisited" sort of thing.

He had already reviewed HTC One M8 months ago and many of the great things about the Android version come over to the WP variant(except for notification LED, HTC Zoe, extra gestures). So no point of going over the phone all over again.

I've subscribed to him since a pretty long time ago and he uploaded a 30 day Windows Phone and 30 day Android challenge where he expensively pointed out the great things and cons about Windows Phone and Android, in the end he chose Android. This was about an year back.

To newcomers of his channel his M8 for Windows review may sound biased but he was really revisiting Windows Phone to see if it had gotten any better and worthy of consideration.

But that's my opinion.


Retired Moderator
Apr 1, 2012
Re: Linus Sebastian, a well-respected tech personnel on YouTube, says that WP is "a phone for no one

His objection to the UI wasn't just the keyboard it was the atrocious size of some titles and very small text beneath it. Windows Phone needs to improve the UI/UX to take less screen space, the keyboard is one of the best however needs to be made smaller and possibly a bit more "colorful".

When he referred to the scam apps, Microsoft has a reputation of having a more rigorous app approval system. Android may have certain scam apps but they are often removed and you can always have a refund in around 15 - 60 minutes, not sure if you can do that on Windows Phone.

Haha I also like supporting the underdogs, that's why I chose Android a few years back and I also tried Windows Phone for around eight months, both are great OSes but I prefer Android.

In your previous post you said that at your workplace everyone that owned a Windows Phone was a software developer, that's why I assumed what your point was.

Windows Phone is definitely not only made for software developers but it doesn't cater to "power users" and it isn't as simple as iOS, but what it does do great, is provide a balance between functionality, simplicity and customization.

Instead of bashing Apple and Samsung in their advertisements they should really focus more on the good points of Windows Phone which would be; DSLR like control over camera, great cameras, beautiful OS, etc etc...

If I wanted a smaller keyboard I'd go with iPhone. ;-)


New member
Jul 9, 2014
Re: Linus Sebastian, a well-respected tech personnel on YouTube, says that WP is "a phone for no one

His objection to the UI wasn't just the keyboard it was the atrocious size of some titles and very small text beneath it. Windows Phone needs to improve the UI/UX to take less screen space, the keyboard is one of the best however needs to be made smaller and possibly a bit more "colorful".

When he referred to the scam apps, Microsoft has a reputation of having a more rigorous app approval system. Android may have certain scam apps but they are often removed and you can always have a refund in around 15 - 60 minutes, not sure if you can do that on Windows Phone.

The thing about UI/UX is that it is subjective, so much so that I'm not even sure that windows phone development team itself would be on single page on this. And this is precisely why it should never be addressed in reviews.

Since, we are nitpicking UI/UX, let me give my own personal touch on it.
These large titles are the reason I was attracted to windows phone in the first place. I hope MS doesn't change it. Or at least, gives us the ability to set title size in ease of use settings.
About that small text underneath it, did he know you can change font size under ease of use settings?
Also, if anything, these large titles help make your content within reach of your thumb, or "reachability" as Apple likes to call it. Furthermore, windows phone UI has always had you-know-what-you-want kind of esthetics. You know which app you want to open, which song/video to play, which contact to reach and you jump into alphabet tab and right to that particular stuff. Or you can tap search at bottom and find what you want. The ellipses tab is at bottom instead of hamburger tabs at top, which again, helps with ease of use.
You can use people tile for call/message. Just jump to the alphabet or use the search button to find the contact you're looking for. See their social media updates and be updated before actually contacting them. See your twitter and facebook contacts and follow their feeds from within the phone. I follow feeds of Daniel Rubino, Sam Sabri, WPcentral, Tom Warren, Mary Jo Foley, Verge etc. from my phonebook. With 8.1 every social networking site like facebook, twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, Whatsapp, Viber should be able to tap into your phonebook. You should potentially be able to see your chat history with them on any of these VoIP services.
You can use phone tile for recent entries because for most part your day to day usage will be limited to certain individuals. You can also put most contacted people in speed dial. About smart dial, yes, it is a feature missing which is otherwise present on rival OSes. And MS needs to bring it to windows phone as well.

Large titles rarely affect content oriented apps. Look at messaging, one note or any other kind of content oriented app, as soon as you start scrolling the title vanishes out of the screen.
About the app page, it shows 11 apps on my phone and I've yet to see evidence which proves that navigating grid is better/faster than lists. If anything, grid view puts a lot of strain on your brain. I realized this after the change in store. Plus, there is that "reachability" factor. I can open even the top most apps using thumb on my strong hand side instead of trying to reach top most opposite corner in a grid view and then fiddling to tap that small icon.

About that keyboard, yes, it is a great hurdle while writing long posts like I'm doing right now. And, during text selection it really shows its annoyances. Maybe, MS and these companies thinks that phone isn't for content creation. If only they knew how easy it is to write posts on phone for lazy people such as me. There is a huge potential here and it needs to be tapped. For one thing, there should be an option to hide keyboard while selecting/highlighting. And, where did that Ctrl key go? Remember Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V ? Even my dumb phone had it. About that keyboard size, I remember a post on WpCentral forums recently where the OP bashed MS for decreasing the size of keyboard since, he had large hands. I think the LG approach would be the best one. Give the slider to make it tall or short, shrink it to one side for single handed use or break in between for two hands use. Also, I'd love directional keys and ability to customize the punctuations that I use mostly to be on active screen. That spacebar could be made shorter. About colourful thing, again subjective, but MS could implement accent colours here. Lastly, they have greatly improved the cursor/caret with WP8.1.
One thing I've noticed just now is that,(I'm using OneNote for writing this post because text editor in apps break after 1000 or more words), keyboard/prediction is a lot faster in OneNote and IE. It seems that they improved this with WP8.1 and most apps are still to make use of these improvements.

By now, you would be thinking how stupid I sound. But that gives you an idea why you should never pick on UI/UX while reviewing. Also, it is sad that most of these reviewers use android/iOS as their daily drivers and when they pick up windows phone, the first thing they notice is how the UI/UX isn't utilising screen estate properly. You know it is interesting that I never thought about it until I started hearing this in every review. Nitpicking for the sake of it. Jeez what does it matter how many tweets are there on your screen when you still have to scroll up and down. Lol.

I just read the article on the verge about Google's refund policy and I must commend them for that. MS does ask developers to provide trial version for paid apps but of course they don't enforce it. I'll just say that users need to use "common sense" and use trial and/or read reviews before actually buying apps. And, I'm sure MS refunds money if people get scammed though I've no proof of this statement.

Sorry for such a long post guys, I got emotional and carried away. I have never seen any review which tried to explain the philosophy behind windows phone's UI so, I thought I should make an attempt at guessing and did that through my own personal experience with the OS so far.


P.S I'm sure no one will even read a post that long.


New member
Nov 25, 2012
Re: Linus Sebastian, a well-respected tech personnel on YouTube, says that WP is "a phone for no one

I know that commenting on YouTube comment section will most likely be dismissed as a ****** rage. While I am a Windows Phone fan, and my first smartphone ever was Lumia 920, I really want to let the community know how other platform user and enthusiast think of this platform if you guys did not already know.
I have subscribed to Linus Tech Tips' YouTube channel for a while now and do agree with most of his opinions. But this review for HTC One M8 for Windows is just slap in the face for me, a windows phone user. The video: search for Linus HTC One M8 with Windows Phone 8.1
This makes me think. Why, why is this platform on such a huge back foot compare to iOS and Android? The fact is that Windows Phone 8.1 doesn't attract any smartphone users of other platforms. From its already bigger but still not big enough app store, to lack of support from Google and Apples, the chore to switch from Android or iOS proves to be impossible at this day and age.
This also makes me angry. I feel like as if I am a absolute moron for using Windows Phone at all. The comment section of this video, while defense for Windows Phone are present, it is composed mostly scoffing and insulting statements against Windows Phone users.
I can't thank Linus enough for how fair he is considering he is a Android user. While he does give credit where credit is due, (Cortana implementation, Windows services, etc.) this video proves that Microsoft really needs to step up the development of this platform in order to win over more market share....

Read my reply on his comments and that is one way to respond to a lazy ***** like Linus.


May 12, 2014
Re: Linus Sebastian, a well-respected tech personnel on YouTube, says that WP is "a phone for no one

Read my reply on his comments and that is one way to respond to a lazy ***** like Linus.

Wow, show a little respect. Watch his video about 1 million subscribers, he explained part of his story.

He is a great reviewer and spends a lot of time doing this for us, not to mention all the PC builds, giveaways, etc.

He uploads videos daily, sometimes more than one. He also runs a channel called "Techquickie" where he explains interesting stuff.

He's not lazy, he's one of the best out there.


New member
Aug 30, 2014
Re: Linus Sebastian, a well-respected tech personnel on YouTube, says that WP is "a phone for no one

Wow, show a little respect. Watch his video about 1 million subscribers, he explained part of his story.

He is a great reviewer and spends a lot of time doing this for us, not to mention all the PC builds, giveaways, etc.

He uploads videos daily, sometimes more than one. He also runs a channel called "Techquickie" where he explains interesting stuff.

He's not lazy, he's one of the best out there.

Irrelevant. He doesn't have that many subscribers for his phone reviews.

Number of subscribers does not command respect nor does it imply accuracy or quality.

He didn't even review the M8!


May 12, 2014
Re: Linus Sebastian, a well-respected tech personnel on YouTube, says that WP is "a phone for no one

Irrelevant. He doesn't have that many subscribers for his phone reviews.

Number of subscribers does not command respect nor does it imply accuracy or quality.

He didn't even review the M8!

Actually, it does. But I never said that you should respect him for the number of subscribers he had.

The above person referred to Linus as "lazy" and that is in no way true, he makes quality content every single day.

I merely gave him a suggestion to watch the 1 million subscribers video because it explains more in depth about how he started everything in the first place.

He's pretty much invested all his savings into the channel.

While he sometimes goes a bit too far insulting products, the M8 for Windows review from an android user's perspective was spot on.

You guys could argue with me on whether you like his M8 review or not, but you simply can't argue that Linus is lazy.


New member
Feb 22, 2013
Re: Linus Sebastian, a well-respected tech personnel on YouTube, says that WP is "a phone for no one

Actually, it does. But I never said that you should respect him for the number of subscribers he had.

The above person referred to Linus as "lazy" and that is in no way true, he makes quality content every single day.

I merely gave him a suggestion to watch the 1 million subscribers video because it explains more in depth about how he started everything in the first place.

He's pretty much invested all his savings into the channel.

While he sometimes goes a bit too far insulting products, the M8 for Windows review from an android user's perspective was spot on.

You guys could argue with me on whether you like his M8 review or not, but you simply can't argue that Linus is lazy.

He was certainly lazy in his review of the M8. That has been well-documented in this thread.


New member
Aug 30, 2014
Re: Linus Sebastian, a well-respected tech personnel on YouTube, says that WP is "a phone for no one

Actually, it does. But I never said that you should respect him for the number of subscribers he had.

The above person referred to Linus as "lazy" and that is in no way true, he makes quality content every single day.

I merely gave him a suggestion to watch the 1 million subscribers video because it explains more in depth about how he started everything in the first place.

He's pretty much invested all his savings into the channel.

While he sometimes goes a bit too far insulting products, the M8 for Windows review from an android user's perspective was spot on.

You guys could argue with me on whether you like his M8 review or not, but you simply can't argue that Linus is lazy.

No, it doesn't show quality or respect. You must have low expectations of people if you think respect comes from such things. Guess we will have to agree to disagree.

Wanna know what earns you respect with reviews? Lack of bias.

In this review, we certainly can call him lazy. He put no effort into it whatsoever.
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