Live annotation of PPT presentations with videos possible?

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WPCentral Question

Hello everybody,

I work as a software architect and doing some football officiating in my spare time. Very often I have to do some presentations about various stuff, have meetings with my colleagues and will do some training for new officials next year.

Currently I'm using presentations made with Keynote or convert PPT to PDF prior meetings which I'm using instead. All presentations will be held by using an iPad or Mac in our meeting room.

Especially for the officiating training I'm searching for a new way of presentation possibilities and having a hugh crush on a brand new Surface Pro 3. But before I will buy it, I need to know some details if it is possible to do:
1) As mentioned in my question, it would be nice to add some annotations during presentation and save these. Is there any way to do this and provide the file (PDF will suite perfectly) to my students/meeting attendence?
2) For the officiating stuff I will use many video files but sometimes it is hard for the students (and even me) to find the correct spot of action where they have to look at. So is it possible to pause some video files during presentation, add and remove some annotations (like the yellow lines and circles during live broadcasting) to them as well
3) Is there any way to get the screen to the presenter except mini display port?

Sorry for my low level english, but it isn't my native language.

Best regards,
1) If you have the latest office 365, when you project your screen to a second monitor/projector, the projector will show the slides and the surface screen will show the current slide, a thumbnail of the next slide, a section for notes off to the right side, and pointer options. In the pointer options, you can set the pen to annotate (highlight or draw in practically any color) or be a laser pointer - it is extremely convenient. The implementation of the presentation mode is very intuitive and requires no special settings, as it automatically happens when you put it into presentation mode. Several people have commented on how amazing this is. After the presentation is over (ppt records the time) it will ask you if you want to save the annotations. I haven't tried saving it as a PDF afterward, but I would assume it would keep the annotations. I'll try it at home and see if it works.

2) Not sure, I haven't tried putting videos in my presentations.

3) Microsoft Miracast Adapter.

This little device plugs into your projector/monitor via hdmi and your screen is projected wirelessly. I would pick one up if it weren't so expensive. But it does sound awesome. The adapter also works with miracast enabled phones (windows or android). Only the surface (or other windows 8 pcs with miracast) will be able to extend your display (i.e. show different content on each screen).

Hope this helps.

Sent from my Surface Pro 3 using Tapatalk
I forgot to mention, all of this is on a Surface Pro 3. It was implied, but realized I should clarify that point.

Sent from my Surface Pro 3 using Tapatalk

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