Live messenger mango setup


New member
May 24, 2011
I have tried and can't get live messenger to pop up in sms, all I get is facebook, any suggestions?

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I have tried and can't get live messenger to pop up in sms, all I get is facebook, any suggestions?

Sent from my htc trophy using Board Express

I am not entirely sure, but you may have to set it to a mode other than "offline" first. I don't remember off the top of my head where I saw that setting.

I am very curious if the IM's are going through text messages like all the older built in IM software did. Does anybody know?
Try waiting for a little bit. People having trouble with the messaging hub usually just need to wait so that things can get all synched up on the server side.
I can't get it to show up in SMS app, maybe I don't have any friends so it doesn't show them?? Hek i don't know why it won't work

Sent from my htc trophy using Board Express
Well if you have no messenger contacts then of course nothing from messenger will show up..
Started working as soon as I installed Mango. I have a spare Live ID and logged in with that on my PC and started a conversation with the phone. Messages to the PC were instant, but back to the phone were delayed by 5-8 seconds. Not bad though.

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I am not entirely sure, but you may have to set it to a mode other than "offline" first. I don't remember off the top of my head where I saw that setting.

I am very curious if the IM's are going through text messages like all the older built in IM software did. Does anybody know?

Messages sent as IM use your data connection, not SMS.
I installed Mango and can now sign in to messenger and receive messages from contacts. However, for some reason it won't associate them with the contact on my phone they came from. When I click on the contact name in Messenger (on the phone) it takes me to the correct contact but it doesn't throw the messages into the prior thread of txts I had with them. It also doesn't show me that anyone is online but shows them that I am online. Any ideas?

I don't feel this is worth making a topic about and I found this thread on Google. Anyways, I added my friend on Windows Live Messenger and synced my Live account on my phone. He's online, and I see him online on Windows Live Messenger, but when I see who is online on my phone, he doesn't show up. I have to go to the contact list or to his thread and it will say he is offline, but I can still send messages to him. Anyone know how to fix this? Should I try re-adding him on WLM?

I don't feel this is worth making a topic about and I found this thread on Google. Anyways, I added my friend on Windows Live Messenger and synced my Live account on my phone. He's online, and I see him online on Windows Live Messenger, but when I see who is online on my phone, he doesn't show up. I have to go to the contact list or to his thread and it will say he is offline, but I can still send messages to him. Anyone know how to fix this? Should I try re-adding him on WLM?

I am having the same issue. I click on the contact that uses messenger. I choose chat via messenger but it says the person is offline. If i log into messenger via IE or Messenger all of a sudden my phone says the contact is online. What is the point of this? I "was" very excited about this feature too.
I've just recently realized that this is a problem for Mango's integrated Messenger: It seems that none of my contacts show up as live messenger contacts in the messaging hub.

Lets say I have a friend named Taylor who has a fully fleshed out contact detail on my phone including his email/msn address

Even though Taylor is signed in to messenger, if I go to the messaging hub, I will not see him online (or any other contacts for that matter). If I log in to the desktop version of messenger and manually add Taylor to my contacts, a new seperate windows live contact will be created of him on my phone. Basically, the phone refuses to acknowledge Taylor's existing contact information in my phone and the only way I can get a contact to have all 3 switching options (SMS, Messenger, Facebook) is if I create a seperate Windows Live contact with their email address and then link it to he account. Which would mean if I wanted to flesh out my messenger list I need to manually create and link accounts for every single contact even though their msn email accounts are already a part of their existing Windows Live contact on my phone.

I don't get what you're saying here. I have my sister's contact info on my phone I have her on FB and on WLM and the two contacts are linked on the phone yet she still doesn't show up as Online even though she's online on WLM and she only shows as online if she's on FB chat, which isn't much of the time.

And I can still send her messages to WLM even though it says she's Offline and that I should try sms.
Did any of you guys ever figure out the solution to this? I'm having the exact same problem. I'm online, people can message me and it shows up as a new thread even if I have a sms or facebook chat going with them. Even if I have their Live ID in their contact, it still never links them and it never shows anyone is online other than my Facebook friends.

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