Live tiles giving false notifications????


New member
Jan 17, 2011
So I've been experiencing some wierd notifications in two of my live tiles; Marketplace and Xbox Live Games tiles.

Marketplace will display that I have "X" ammount of notifications and when I go in there's nothing to be updated. Sometimes it will display the number 6 and then when I go into the marketplace there will only be 2 or 3 updates.

With the Xbox Live tile I am starting to see on the tile a little number representing I have some kind of notification but when I dive deep into the app there's nothing. Anyone's been experiencing this, too?

I will say that I did CheveronWP7 unlock my phone and I also have the Xbox 360 dashboard preview on my 360. Hmmm, that might explain why the Xbox Live tile is acting the way it is..... Oh, I have a Samsung Focus.
With the Xbox Live tile I am starting to see on the tile a little number representing I have some kind of notification but when I dive deep into the app there's nothing. Anyone's been experiencing this, too?
I wish my XBox Live tile would give me message notifications. It never has. :(

Don't know there's a message untill i open the app and look. Grrrrr.

I have on an odd occasion had an update indication on my Marketplace and in fact no update existed.

Has only happened a couple of times that I can remember.
haven't seen it from either of the two you are mentioning but, I do occasionally notice that the Facebook tile notifications are out of date (either says I've got new activity when there isn't or/doesn't say so when there is). Kinda annoying but, definitely not any sort of major headache.
haven't seen it from either of the two you are mentioning but, I do occasionally notice that the Facebook tile notifications are out of date (either says I've got new activity when there isn't or/doesn't say so when there is). Kinda annoying but, definitely not any sort of major headache.

Facebook app now has a live tile? That's encouraging, at least. I no longer use the app as the browser is a lot better.
The Marketplace indicator is driving me crazy!! Every day it seems to show me that there are numerous (I think the highest was 9) updates to be downloaded, but once I click the tile to open the Marketplace there are usually no updates, or only a couple. I, too, am using a Samsung Focus. I haven't unlocked it or done anything out of the ordinary. Couple this annoyance with the Zune "Out of space" junk and just when I'm feeling good about my phone I start to have second thoughts. :(
The marketplace issue seems to be related to apps that have an update available but may not be ready for download yet. I have tracked these down before and saw that new versions were in marketplace but, when i clicked update, it would act like it was going to download, it would just disappear. That usually resolves in a couple days.

I cannot speak to the Xbox issue.

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