[LiveGaming][Updated] New Twitch.tv app for Windows Phone

Hey everyone,

Happy to say the update is finally available on the store.

- Full Current Channel Emoticon and Chat Colour Support!
- Chat Experience Settings (Backgrounds, Chat Button - Auto Hide etc)
- Follow Channels
- Fixes for "Stream Offline" when it is live
- General Bug Fixes
- 16:9 Background Support
- New Theme

thanks for the update mate. cheers
PS. Please let me know if there are any new themes that you guys wish to see; have received some ideas but not much! :)
Hey Guys!

Update time is upon us once again! Wooohooo! :D

- Emoticon Keyboard Redesigned
- Specify Cellular Data / WiFi default stream qualities separately
- New Flat Black Theme (Settings - Themes)
- Accepting Translations (Settings - Provide Translation)
- Fixes for stream backing out occasionally and / or when changing stream quality
- Haptic feedback on Stream Viewer Chat / Settings / Emoticon Buttons

Picture of the updated keyboard for Twitch emoticons :



LiveGaming | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)
for some reasons. I can't authorize this app. it always redirect me to login without any error and empty inputs
Hello, @LiveGaming. I am a big fan of your app on Windows Phone. I am recently (within the last week) having a problem with what I want to watch not being displayed. Everything seems to be working fine on the front end (launching into the app from the home screen button) which displays all of the content that it should, such as Top Games on the first screen that you see and also on the (swipe right) next screen over which is Followed Streams also displaying and updating the thumbnail on streams that I follow being live right now. Also, Featured Channels are all working with their respective .com tie-ins. But when I go to tap on ANY of them, and the app brings me to the video landing page, all I get is a buffering screen on that landing page. Has there been a recent problem that we aren't aware of? Is there a fix? It's worked perfectly for me for years, and I would be sad if you told me that it's no longer working. There are no other apps for this in the Windows Store that I can see or want even to use. Yours is the best by far. I'm hoping that you see this even though I know you posted it back in 2013. All the best to you.
Hi. I'm having a problem with your app. How can I contact you to give you information so that you may try to troubleshoot the problem?

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