Lockup with New ROM due to EV to 1X Data Hopping


New member
Mar 27, 2005
If you're surfing the net and have the phone bounce from EV to 1X and back a few times your phone will lock up. So if you are surfing and a text message comes in (your phone switches to 1x for a split second...) you are bound to have the phone just lock up. I just did a hard reset and installed NOTHING and it still does it... they really jacked our phones up good with this one... Wish I stayed with the original rom now... :thumbsdn:
I HAVE noticed a few freezes, and I have noticed the 1x seemed to be up when it happened, but I text extensively and it isn't happening when I recieve or send texts. Not saying you aren't right, but its not doing it on my device as a result of texts.
So far, though, for me, the pros have outweighed the cons. I have not had BT switch off on me yet, so no worries there. Opera will now default launch on links sent to me in emails (before I got an error) BT outbound sound quality seems improved. And a host of other little things that I can't be SURE are results of the ROM update, but THINK they are.
I will say if I were having the issues I've been reading about I would be pretty bummed about it, though.
Ok, it just happened while texting! Damn you doom... you jinxed me... when it switched to 1x for the text it locked up...
WHat can I say? "Good. Bad. I'm the one with the gun."

You.... you're good.

I just hard reset and did not install a single app. Gonna see how it goes with no 3rd party app installed. So far so good. All I did was hack the "sent message" note out.
It will still happen. It's posted at ppcgeeks, xda, and pdaphonehome the exact same issue. In all places it appears to be associated with 1X and EV switching. Some have possibly linked it to roaming (switching in and out) as well.

I don't have the lockups, but we don't have EVDO in my area.

I do have BT turning off by itself and occasional D-pad stops working. These are also posted at the other forums as known issues.
What is this freakin' "sent" note? Everyone keeps talking about it, and I realize WHAT it is, but my Mogul has NEVER done it. Now, I installed the threaded SMS app pretty quick. Does that disable it? I got it on my Q but never did on this phone.
Man, I really love this phone. It makes me giddy when I think about how much I love it.

"Klatu Verata Necktie!"
Well, so far so good for me, and I actually have EVDO at work, and at home, but a lot of where I live doesn't, so I tend to switch back and forth a lot. Its all good. If the ROM fixed everything people on the interwebs would have nothing to &^%*$ about.
What is this freakin' "sent" note? Everyone keeps talking about it, and I realize WHAT it is, but my Mogul has NEVER done it. Now, I installed the threaded SMS app pretty quick. Does that disable it? I got it on my Q but never did on this phone.
Man, I really love this phone. It makes me giddy when I think about how much I love it.

"Klatu Verata Necktie!"

Yeah the threaded messaging does disable it.
It will still happen. It's posted at ppcgeeks, xda, and pdaphonehome the exact same issue. In all places it appears to be associated with 1X and EV switching. Some have possibly linked it to roaming (switching in and out) as well.

I don't have the lockups, but we don't have EVDO in my area.

I do have BT turning off by itself and occasional D-pad stops working. These are also posted at the other forums as known issues.

Yeah I turned off roaming and switched it to sprint only... after making the switch it locked up. Did a soft reset and double checked it went thru and its on sprint only. if you try changing it again you get the lock up (or a major slowdown). so im just leaving roaming off and see what happens now.
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