Login PIN issue

Kaushik Banerjee

New member
Apr 13, 2014
PIN sign in option has disappeared from the login screen. I am cent percent sure I didn't make an incorrect entry for more than three times which is the usal case with most of the. I did a fresh install of the build 9926 OS the other day due to some problems with my earlier win 8.1 pro OS. Now I can't seem to login using my PIN. Also I cant find any option to remove PIN from my sign in options.... Please help
I have this problem too. From what I have found, it appears to be a bug. Seems that it works if it was enabled before doing an upgrade, but if you do a refresh or it wasn't enabled before the upgrade, it is gone. It could be missing registry settings, but I haven't been able to find them.
PIN sign in option has disappeared from the login screen. I am cent percent sure I didn't make an incorrect entry for more than three times which is the usal case with most of the. I did a fresh install of the build 9926 OS the other day due to some problems with my earlier win 8.1 pro OS. Now I can't seem to login using my PIN. Also I cant find any option to remove PIN from my sign in options.... Please help
I'm also having the same problem i created the pin but not able to sign via it.
I guess it is some bug with the build itself hoping it will be solved in upcoming builds.
PIN works fine here on two accounts. However, as soon as I switch to the new login screen (hidden), it won't work.
Windows 10 9926 has a new hidden login screen, here is how to enable it - Neowin
Going back to regular login screen and it works again.

Yea....this fact was covered by win beta...and neowin..and other blogs..too...same with the clock settings....all these are already implemented in the build..but are not activated...and can be activated by tweaking the registry....nyways....lets wait for the final build...

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