Logitech Cordless Desktop MX 5000 Laser
$149.99 USD
Can I use this keyboard with Bluetooth to type into a Windows Mobile v6 smartphone or PDA?
(not use the mouse, only type text).
I have not purchased this and am considering getting a full-size keyboard to type into my Windows Mobile v6 smartphone.
1. Will it work out of the box as Bluetooth for typing text?
2. Will I be able to install any software onto the Windows Mobile v6 OS of the smartphone from Logitech to make it work?
3. If not this product are there any FULL SIZE keyboards that are able to type into a WM6 or WM6.1 smartphone?
4. Yes I'm even willing to hook up a miniUSB connector to a regular fullsize keyboard tethered to the smartphone if it will work.
$149.99 USD
Can I use this keyboard with Bluetooth to type into a Windows Mobile v6 smartphone or PDA?
(not use the mouse, only type text).
I have not purchased this and am considering getting a full-size keyboard to type into my Windows Mobile v6 smartphone.
1. Will it work out of the box as Bluetooth for typing text?
2. Will I be able to install any software onto the Windows Mobile v6 OS of the smartphone from Logitech to make it work?
3. If not this product are there any FULL SIZE keyboards that are able to type into a WM6 or WM6.1 smartphone?
4. Yes I'm even willing to hook up a miniUSB connector to a regular fullsize keyboard tethered to the smartphone if it will work.