The new A8x cpu in the iPad is now a triple-core, they squeezed everything they could out of their dual-core design and are adding more cores because it makes sense.
The iPad is not the iPhone. Tablets are not smartphones.
Achieving the optimal mobile CPU design involves a long list of trade-offs between what has the most impact on perceivable performance (for the type of software used) and the power required to run it. Tablets have much larger batteries and people are far more likely to run more than one app at a time. Both make tablets a better fit for more cores, but again, if that's all there is to it, then why not add four cores like we've already got in our phones, or 64 cores for that matter?
The idea that Apple "squeezed" all the performance from two cores that they possibly could, shows you're not thinking about this in a way that matches reality. Apple could certainly have built larger and more powerful cores. In this particular iPad related scenario however, they felt using the available die space for an extra core was the better choice. For tablets that is a sensible choice. For phone's it isn't.
If Apple wants to remain within their specified thermal and power budgets, they only have a certain amount of transistors they can use. This is not comparable to the Intel desktop CPU world, where every core is identical and the more expensive CPUs just have more of them (with millions of additional transistors). All any mobile CPU designer can do is decide how they want to distribute that fixed transistor budget between all the GPU cores, CPU cores, DSPs, and caches they need.
At least from a technical point of view, and specifically for phones, distributing the transistor budget across two cores is currently the sweet spot for the majority of apps. Maybe at some point we'll get to a point where three cores offer the best performance/watt ratio for most apps, but that is still an approach that emphasizes fewer more powerful cores (with many transistors) over many weaker cores (with fewer transistors). Only for marketing purposes are more cores always better.
I think the 805 might just eliminate the resuming issue Windows Phone has.
No. You're expecting hardware to magically fix software issues.
I don't want the latest quad-core just because it has a faster clock speed, I want it because it brings a multitude of different improvements. The 805 will make our cameras faster, it improves the memory controller, it's more efficient, and it has the new Adreno 420 gpu.
From reading your post, it seems as though you do not believe that the latest Snapdragon will improve the performance of our devices.
And that's fine. I completely agree with that. That's not what you previously said though, where you implied that almost any measure of progress is attributable to core count. Maybe that wasn't what you meant, but that is how it sounded to me. That is what I was objecting to. I'm not against progress, and obviously newer chips will provide benefits. However, almost none of those benefits are a direct result of having four weaker cores rather than two more powerful cores.
As for Apple's new cpu's, yes I know they're extremely fast, but they were designed to perfectly match the needs of iOS..
No. That is the kind of BS I'd expect from Apple. The A8 was designed to match the needs of a low power, always-connected, entertainment and communications device. At the end of the day it's still an ARM CPU that would be just as well matched to WP. There is nothing about it that makes it a better fit for iOS than it would be for WP.
Android is not quite comparable to iOS and WP, as it allows apps to continually run in the background at essentially any time. That is closer to the tablet/desktop model, which is why Android can more easily benefit from an extra core or two, but it does so at the cost of deterministic battery life.