Looking for a good SSH client


New member
Nov 1, 2008
I'm looking at (finally) leaving my Palm OS Treo 700 and getting the Touch Pro 2. One of my killer apps would be a good SSH client that allows me to take advantage of the screen real estate of the TP2. Anyone have suggestions for such an SSH client?
I'm looking at (finally) leaving my Palm OS Treo 700 and getting the Touch Pro 2. One of my killer apps would be a good SSH client that allows me to take advantage of the screen real estate of the TP2. Anyone have suggestions for such an SSH client?
I'm using zaTelnet Pro on my BJ2 (non-touch). It gives me the full screen. I haven't tried the full-screen version.

I once fixed a backup problem with it sitting at Denny's for breakfast. They have a trial version, $19.95 to buy. Highly recommended.

That's great. It will specifcally be for a client that works on the Touch Pro 2 (i.e., supports a 480x800 screen and WinMo 6.1)?
PocketPuTTY works great for me. Supports WVGA on the TP2, and the hardware keyboard.
Oh, and it's free.


Cool, thanks!

I've never used Windows Mobile and it's confusing to me whether an application supported on a previous version of WM will be stable on a newer version of WM.

So.....since you have it working on the TP2, can you tell me if you are able to get a full 80x25 terminal to display on the screen?

Also, have you been able to map keys such as ESC, pipe, backslash, forwardslash, etc to hardware keys on the TP2?

You can control the size of the screen font, so I'm sure you can get a full 80x25 if you want. The font that I use I end up with more like 62x20.

For remapping the keys -- there's a handy-dandy program over at XDA for remapping *any* key to *anything*


You can apparently program the keys to change depending on what application you're running in the foreground.

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