Looking for thoughts here... Verizon Windows Phone 8


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Feb 18, 2011
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So, I have a Verizon HTC 8X in minty shape. Right now, the market price is pretty high on this phone ($300-500 US with extras). I love the 8X and Windows Phone 8 but, the 16gb limit on this phone is too much for me, I am always running out of space and having to remove apps, just to install new ones, and these are not demos, these are paid for apps.

The Lumia 928 is RUMORED to have a MicroSD card and have a upgraded camera and is schedule to come to Verizon in the next month or so.

I also have a Verizon Trophy, a little scrached up but, works perfect, fully unlocked as my spare phone.

I know once the 928 hits, the value for the 8x is going to drop in the market.

I have been tossing up selling my 8X, using the trophy for the time being and use the cash from the 8X to get a 928 when released. This space thing REALLY bothers me and I hate having to watch space.

If you were in my shoes, would you do what I am thinking here or just deal with it and wait till WP9 models hit in a year or so ?

I am not in any contract, so I own my phone free and clear...


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Jan 3, 2013
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Ugh, so many choices! If I could, I would go with selling and waiting. BUT, I would need to really be sure that the new phone does come with storage. Nothing worse than finding out that rumor was wrong!

I like you hate that there is only 16g storage, but thankfully, I take it up all with music, so havent worried about removing stuff, since I can easily change my music choices.


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Dec 1, 2009
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Well if the space issue is really a concern then I would go ahead with that plan. It doesn't bother me because I'm on an unlimited plan with T-mobile and stream almost all my music.


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May 6, 2011
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Seems like not selling the 8X doesn't solve your immediate need and jeopardizes your ability recoup costs. That sounds like a lose-lose situation. I think it's best to sell it and use the Trophy until a better phone comes along that meets your needs. Good luck!


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Nov 17, 2012
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Just a question, what is using up all your storage space? If it is all apps than not much you can do other than actually have more space available. But if it is music, photos, or documents that take up all your space than there are other solutions available to you, using cloud services. You can use XBox Music Pass or Google Music to access your music collection via the cloud. You also have skydrive, dropbox all available to store files also. You still have access to them, but they dont need to reside on your phone.


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Mar 9, 2008
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If the space issue is the primary issue then I would go with selling it if you can get what you want for it and wait for the 928. It's almost a guarantee it will have 32GB storage and/or microSD either of which would benefit you greatly.


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Nov 17, 2012
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All information right now is rumor and has no guarantee. I would be waiting for factual information to start getting released so that an intelligent decision can be made. If I remember correctly, according to the rumors last year, Verizon was also getting the Lumia 920 at release. That obviously didnt happen. If it is getting released in April then I would imagine that information should start slowly getting released soon from Nokia, Microsoft and Verizon.


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Feb 18, 2011
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Just a question, what is using up all your storage space? If it is all apps than not much you can do other than actually have more space available. But if it is music, photos, or documents that take up all your space than there are other solutions available to you, using cloud services. You can use XBox Music Pass or Google Music to access your music collection via the cloud. You also have skydrive, dropbox all available to store files also. You still have access to them, but they dont need to reside on your phone.

My problem is Apps and video HD podcasts (yea, I wont do SD based, I guess I am snob when it comes to HD).

If I install every app I own, I will be negitive in space.. With a big chunck of apps removed, I still am less than 2.5gb free and that is after using the Shrink Storage app... (only using 2.3gb for "Other"). New games like Batman or Spider man, I can't install unless I remove others.

I dream of a phone with 32gb and a MicroSD slot, as you can't install apps to a SD card with Windows Phone 8. A 16gb with a SD card does not fully resolve my issue, unless Microsoft removes this limit.

BTW, this space is with NO MUSIC or videos installed. I want that feature, I would like to take 20gb of music and 3-4 movies on my phone (or at least videos) but, I can't do that on the 8X....

People please vote !

All information right now is rumor and has no guarantee. I would be waiting for factual information to start getting released so that an intelligent decision can be made. If I remember correctly, according to the rumors last year, Verizon was also getting the Lumia 920 at release. That obviously didnt happen. If it is getting released in April then I would imagine that information should start slowly getting released soon from Nokia, Microsoft and Verizon.

yep and there is enough info out to say, Verizon is getting a new Windows Phone and it will be a higher end then current models. The rumor of a 920 to Verizon never saw FCC approval, the "928 has and with Verizon written all over it (network freq, etc)

It does not say anything about a MicroSD slot tho but, if I sell my 8X for $400 (market value on the high end), 3-4 months from now, I could get one for under $200, so if it really was that much of an issue, I could just replace it down the line...

My biggest worry is seeing $200 for a phone I could get around $400 for now.. because the 928 would not even be looked at if I have out output $350...


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Nov 17, 2012
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I agree with you. In my opinion, though, just best to wait for the real specs of the Lumia 928 to get released before deciding. Just too many rumors out right now.


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Feb 18, 2011
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I agree with you. In my opinion, though, just best to wait for the real specs of the Lumia 928 to get released before deciding. Just too many rumors out right now.

As long as we don't have to wait till release day to get specs. I have noticed that the Verizon 8X on ebay has gone from $579-450 about a month ago price, to now $350-480 (some I have seen go as low as $150 fully working). So once the 928's specs are released, the 8X will drop more.



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Nov 17, 2012
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I understand your predicament. I love my 8x, but I too am waiting to see what specs the 928 brings to the table. Once I know the specs and actually see what the phone looks like, I can than decide on what to do with my 8x. If only HTC would take things a bit more seriously with Windows Phone. They come out with the 8x, which is a great phone, but they still do not give the impression that they are all in with Windows Phone. And I am not suggesting they need to dump Android. But maybe take the marketing, hardware and app development just as seriously as Nokia.


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Feb 18, 2011
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I think the Voting make my mind up. 90.91% of the votes say to sell the 8X.... I think that is what I am going to do. Back to Windows Phone 7.8 for me for a while...

I love the 8X but, the limits are just too much for me. I will put it up on ebay on the high side of pricing with my wireless charger, if it sells in a week, it will decide for sure, if it does not sell in 2 weeks, then I guess I will keep it.

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