looking for visual voice mail


New member
Jul 22, 2011
im looking for a visual voice mail app like google voice that doesnt require me to use a new number. im still on contract with att and cant switch it over to anything else.
You set up your Google Voice setting to forward your voicemails as text by SMS or Email. Then you setup your phone's voicemail forwarding with these instructions depending on your phone company:
Enter a special code number into your phone. The codes for most cell phone providers are listed below:

replace YOURNUMBER with your 10 digit area code and number

- Alltel: *71 YOURNUMBER #

- AT&T: *004*1 YOURNUMBER #

- T-Mobile (US): *004*1 YOURNUMBER #

- Verizon: *711 YOURNUMBER #

- US Cellular: *74 YOURNUMBER #

Read more: How to Forward your Voicemail to Google Voice | eHow.com How to Forward your Voicemail to Google Voice | eHow.com

That should work well until official visual voicemail shows up. I have heard it's in Mango and we are just waiting for the official Mango release for it to be turned on.
I hope Skype starts adding features like voicemail to txt. That would be great. I hate using Google anything with my WP7.
I think Mango adds visual voice mail, that is, if the carriers don't remove it. There were a few videos floating around showing it.
If its true that mango will offer it, I really hope att doesn't take it out. That's kinda messed up if they do.
Seriously dudes, use google voice.

A. It's visual voicemail.

B. You can email it to yourself, you text it to yourself, and they are logged online so you could listen to them from any computer.

C. Also it's free.....not all of the apps are, but the service from Google is free,
If its true that mango will offer it, I really hope att doesn't take it out. That's kinda messed up if they do.

Especially since they can run it for the iPhone. Don't understand the technical limitations on this

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im looking for a visual voice mail app like google voice that doesnt require me to use a new number. im still on contract with att and cant switch it over to anything else.

You can still use a new number. I just gave everyone my google voice number(which forwards to my phone) and told them to use that. Free texts and visual voicemail. Greatest thing ever.

You can also, as others have said, make your cell number your google voice number.
I installed the new Mango ROM for the HTC Trophy on Verizon yesterday and unless Visual Voicemail is inactive and hidden until you add it on your account then Verizon removed it. It's just not there on my Trophy. Annoying that a built in feature would be removed but who knows.
I'm sure they probably removed it so they don't have anything competing with their pay service Visual Voicemail.

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i dont think att makes iphone pay for visual voicemail. anyway, i have govoice up and working for a while and it works pretty good. it did seem to be faster on my atrix, but i guess thats to be expected.

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