Love my Lumia 920 but


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Nov 8, 2012
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Ps. The only thing I did differently with this phone was charge it to 100% right out of the box before using it. Not sure if that made a difference but it is a variable.

Also... The gloss finish is much much easier to hold compared to the black matte. I found the black model to be borderline dangerously slippery. This also is no longer a concern. Thought I would add that for anyone considering exchanging.


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Dec 3, 2012
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Thanks for the update Marshalix. I'm starting to think I have a defective Lumia, I have so many things disabled (that I should be able to use) and the battery is still decreasing while I'm not doing anything. In fact, since I made my last post about 10 minutes ago the battery went down another 1%.

I'm going to keep an eye on my phone and possibly exchange it if it doesn't get better. And thanks for the tip about the white finish, I agree that the black matte is very slippery!!!


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Np Jake. Also I was on the fence about my black one before exchanging it because it was just "good enough" and I attributed the poor battery to honey moon usage and the huge screen and 4g. However the dust under the screen prompted me to exchange anyways and I couldn't be happier. All battery and heat concerns have vanished. If your battery life isn't stellar, I would recommend making them replace it sooner rather than later. Call Att, and let them know that the only acceptable answer is a new phone is being over night shipped to you right away.


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Nov 15, 2012
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The only problem I have now is that I got dust under my front camera :(
Sent from my Nokia Lumia 920 using Board Express

Only had my 920 for one week and i was very pleased with it up until now, but today i noticed dust specks under the front facing camera despite my keeping it in a case and generally looking after it like it was a gold ingot!, As i'm within my 14 day return period i have today arranged to cancel my contract and return it, i was happy to accept any firmware bugs knowing they'll be addressed soon but dust getting into the camera lens is more of a hardware design problem and cannot be fixed other than by someone taking my new phone to pieces!.... If i saw a few dust specks after, say, 6 months of use i would be less concerned, but seeing dust after only one week is a major concern for me, just imagine how bad it would be it be in 6 months time?. the glass is a nice tight fit all around the case so i guess the dust is entering via the earpiece slot or the headset hole.

Looking forward to owning another 920 in a few months time when all issues (particularly the 'dust' one) have been resolved.


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Nov 21, 2012
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lol ouch ..... That's a bit of a downgrade, even with issues.

Downgrade in camera quality? = Definitely
Downgrade in screen quality? = Yep
Downgrade in ease of use? = Yes, but I wanted more options not less
Downgrade in processor/ram or speed? = No
Downgrade in battery life? = No
Downgrade in customization? = No
Downgrade in glitches? = No
Downgrade in available apps? = No
Downgrade in not having that annoying Bing button getting accidentally pressed consistently? = No

So yeah it's a downgrade in some areas but an upgrade in others for me personally, which is what it's all about.


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Dec 3, 2012
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Around 3:00 PM today I checked my battery again and it was down to 74%, so with little to no usage I was losing 3 to 4 percent an hour. Then I decided to turn everything back on (NFC, suggestions, background apps, etc) just to see what would happen. I did 20 minutes of light usage (checking Baconit, ESPN, web browsing) and the battery dropped to 65%, so I lost 10% in 20 minutes!!! And I wasn't playing games or doing anything that should suck that much battery.

I'm going to an AT&T store soon to see if I can exchange it for a new one. Like I said before, I love this phone but we shouldn't have to disable all the features and not use the phone in order to keep the battery from running down super fast.


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Dec 3, 2012
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Quick update: I went to the AT&T store tonight and got my new, white Lumia. It initially seems to be better. The phone has been locked and sitting here next to me for the last hour and the percentage has remained steady. I'm going to fully charge it tonight and then we'll see how it holds up tomorrow.

Also, I agree with Marshalix, the white Lumia 920 is definitely less slippery then the black model. It's strange but true.


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I purposefully left everything enabled on my new white 920. I have multiple email accounts Facebook, twitter, Skype, drive enabled in background, NFC on, Bluetooth on, WiFi on. I set up the new phone from my Microsoft account and have all of my previous apps installed plus at least two dozen more. In total I have at least 100 apps. Despite all of this and all functionality being on I still have 100% battery life this morning after 3 hours off charger. This is completely typical battery life for this new device which I have been using for the last 5 days. Also there is no dust under the screen, or in the camera or light bleeding around the screen like my black model had.

Moral of the story is... There is such thing as a fully functional and defect free Lumia... Which leads me to believe there are hardware problems with some of the first production runs.

I loved this phone before... But now that its working as advertised I believe it is the best phone on the market right now.
My friend bought a White Lumia 920 on 11/24 from an AT&T store and he says that the battery life is excellent and doesn't need to turn any stuff off either. in fact he says that he gets through a full day using the phone without it dipping below 70%. He also does NOT use Skype. Perhaps the White batch didn't have any issues during manufacturing?


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I charged my new white 920 fully last night and I was checking the battery percentage at various times this morning. It stayed at 100% from around 6:40 AM all the way until around 10:40 AM, so with no usage it didn't drop at all over 4 hours which is a good sign. I used it for about 20 minutes setting up some apps and changing a few settings, doing this the battery dropped to 95% which is a little worrisome but the time remaining says 8 days and 1 hour.

I'll try not to drive myself crazy checking the battery percentage every 5 minutes :winktongue:


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Nov 27, 2012
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Downgrade in camera quality? = Definitely
Downgrade in screen quality? = Yep
Downgrade in ease of use? = Yes, but I wanted more options not less
Downgrade in processor/ram or speed? = No
Downgrade in battery life? = No
Downgrade in customization? = No
Downgrade in glitches? = No
Downgrade in available apps? = No
Downgrade in not having that annoying Bing button getting accidentally pressed consistently? = No

So yeah it's a downgrade in some areas but an upgrade in others for me personally, which is what it's all about.

Dont forget that the fact that its an AMOLED screen makes whites not so suitable, which potentially affects batterylife and customization. For instance WP with an AMOLED basically restricts you to black background design choices for your phone. With the 920, I can have a white background setup without having my battery drain twice as fast. Which is nice, as imo it looks tons better on my white phone.


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Nov 21, 2012
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Dont forget that the fact that its an AMOLED screen makes whites not so suitable, which potentially affects batterylife and customization. For instance WP with an AMOLED basically restricts you to black background design choices for your phone. With the 920, I can have a white background setup without having my battery drain twice as fast. Which is nice, as imo it looks tons better on my white phone.

True, but this one has the Super Amoled Plus, which is supposed to be a bit more efficient. Although I did like putting my 920 with the white background and lighter tiles. Worked like a flashlight in the dark which was cool (without using the flashlight app). If microsoft works out the bugs I'll come back again to see the next time around. I'm not married to any OS and avoided iPhone on principal which just left Windows 8 or Android for my first smartphone purchase. As of now the only beef I have with Android is the myriad of apps running in the background I can't uninstall. Great, you have 1 gig RAM but 40% is used up with running apps all the dang time. :p I hope to learn how to get around it and foil the powers that be who do this stupid stuff.


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Nov 12, 2012
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Finally got my replacement phone Xmas eve. I must say the replacement is working GREAT. No battery issues or getting hot. Awesome phone what expected when I bought the first one.

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