Love my Quantum


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Dec 21, 2010
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Here's a short review of the LG Quantum, which I am using on the Bell network in Canada.

Feel and Fit: Quality throughout, feels solid, but surprisingly compared to my Palm Pre fits well in a shirt pocket, doesn't feel too heavy. The weight just makes it feel better made. Love the rubber/metal outside, makes cases kind of obsolete. I'm still using the plastic screen protector that came with it.

OS and Speed: Way faster than my Pre, everything happens quickly except for some games, of course. Took only a day or two to realize how cool this OS is, how it lets me do the things I did before, but much easier,. The hubs are great, and apps are kind of in the background. In fact, I doubt I will be using too many apps unless they really fill a need.

Screen: No issues, I keep the brightness at medium, a little hard to see in direct sunlight but really not a problem, like the fact its a little smaller so better battery life, which I am getting a good 10 hours out of on a normal day.

Signal: Better than on the Pre on the same network, I live in a remote area but can make/take phone calls and browse anywhere in the house now.

Biggest pet peeve: I need someone to come out with a hack to change the operation of the shift and function keys on the hardware keyboard (Which is great!). The shift should be at the bottom and the function at the top, otherwise I have no issues with the keyboard and find myself using both hardware and virtual ones about equally. The word suggestions is very nicely implemented.

Small pet peeves: Wish it had a sliding cover for the usb terminal, this seems like such a no-brainer, camera button sometimes feels funny because the slider starts to slide a tiny bit, camera really sucks compared to the Palm's which was excellent, maybe its me or I need to experiment with settings. Would rather have fixed focus for speed and sharpness., finally, "on" button is hard to find, I keep hitting the "home" button because of my Palm Pre experience.

Overall: I think Microsoft is going to take a huge chunk of the market. They've got the money, marketing (I've seen lots of commercials and billboard with my phone on them) and when they get things right, they really get things right.

This phone and OS is a winner!


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Jul 14, 2010
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Here's a short review of the LG Quantum, which I am using on the Bell network in Canada.

Biggest pet peeve: I need someone to come out with a hack to change the operation of the shift and function keys on the hardware keyboard (Which is great!). The shift should be at the bottom and the function at the top, otherwise I have no issues with the keyboard and find myself using both hardware and virtual ones about equally. The word suggestions is very nicely implemented.

This phone and OS is a winner!

Thanks for the review post DavidB. I've also got a LG Quantum, and I live in Canada too. I totally agree with you in regards to placement of the shift and function keys. I'm starting to get use to this arrangement, but it seems weird that LG would make a phone with this set-up. :eek:
With the OS being as good as it is, I'm thinking the updates will only make the phone a lot better. ;)

I agree though, the phone is a winner. :)


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Jul 14, 2010
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For me, there's more space on the Quantum. It doesn't feel cramped and I don't have to use my nails (or the tip of my thumbs) to type. I think that's why so many people like the Blackberry, because they have plenty of space to type in a portrait mode (....and BBM). :p


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Dec 22, 2010
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For me, there's more space on the Quantum. It doesn't feel cramped and I don't have to use my nails (or the tip of my thumbs) to type. I think that's why so many people like the Blackberry, because they have plenty of space to type in a portrait mode (....and BBM). :p

But is actually a better experience?

I've typed on landscape keyboards too and they always had too much space and made for a frustrating experience. I'm wondering if maybe there's something redeeming in this case that would justify a landscape keyboard.


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Dec 21, 2010
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Love the Landscape

One of the nice things is that when you have the keyboard slid out the phone stays in landscape orientation, something that used to be a bit of a pain with my Palm Pre.

I love the keyboard, easy to type. I use the on-screen keyboard a bit for short stuff but for anything lengthy the keyboard is great. Not sure why I wanted it so much, probably because the Pre was a bit cramped, but if you are switching between upper and lower, text and numbers, the slide out keyboard is a hands-down winner.


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Dec 16, 2010
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just a PS to original post:

the plam PRE and LG Quantum are not on the same Network

pre= CDMA


thats why your reception is better :) notive how your LG has a SIM card now? the pre dint


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Mar 8, 2011
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just a PS to original post:

the plam PRE and LG Quantum are not on the same Network

pre= CDMA


thats why your reception is better :) notive how your LG has a SIM card now? the pre dint

Wrong. AT&T here in the States has a GSM version of the Palm Pre Plus.

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