Love Windows Phone But Perhaps Heading To Android...Anyone Else?

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Once you try android and figure out that your Samesung will develop a nasty lag in about six months and won't see marshmallow until android n is about to drop. You will be back . I have all the platforms in my family all on the latest software and I understand the frustrations with Microsoft , windows 10 is a game changer. One ux across desktops, laptops ,tablets, and mobile. Unless you are on a nexus device android is systemically broken . Ios is nice but I find it extremely boring and shares zero commonalities with OS x . BlackBerry 10 has had the rug pulled out by managment and is essentially DOA.
Once you try android and figure out that your Samesung will develop a nasty lag in about six months and won't see marshmallow until android n is about to drop. You will be back . I have all the platforms in my family all on the latest software and I understand the frustrations with Microsoft , windows 10 is a game changer. One ux across desktops, laptops ,tablets, and mobile. Unless you are on a nexus device android is systemically broken . Ios is nice but I find it extremely boring and shares zero commonalities with OS x . BlackBerry 10 has had the rug pulled out by managment and is essentially DOA.

I had that problem when I was on the Samsung Captivate and Skyrocket. 6 months in crashes and bugs...I have experienced it first hand. Will it happen to the Note 5? Not experience was before Gingerbread.

Just being devil's advocate...I don't see a lot to go back to my ICON from what I am getting from the Note 5. A lot of things/apps I liked are gone (Family Room, MSN Food and Drink to name a few).

I finally loaded Windows 10 Insider on my wife's 1520 and whoa, so not ready for prime time. Her new Band 2 would constantly disconnect, Bluetooth problems in her car, her Glance Screen settings would not open and crash, the store would always ERROR when downloading updates to MOTION or GLANCE SCREEN. I had to roll her back to 8.1 and she commented on how old it felt compared to 10 but doesn't want 10 until it is official. In fact, she said "I want a Note 5".

About the Band 2 on Android...seems much more consistent than it ever was on Windows Phone 8.1/10...

I want to come back and would deal with the "app gap" if I can get my hands on a Lumia 950xl on Verizon. But for now, the unknown future on Verizon (and no, can't switch) is causing me to reflect on my mobile needs.

I want WP to flourish but right now, it seems on life support...
Developers have bridges to port from x86, Android and Ios

I have to comment on this...this is the worst offender of "wait and see"...OMG, we should have amazing buzz right now about easy ports of these apps and perhaps should have seen at least the Windows 10 counterpart of the Universal apps. NOTHING...and talk of 2016 before we see the fruition of this...they mentioned CANDY CRUSH being the result of this during BUILD...that was back in the SPRING. It is really, really hard to wait and as mentioned, I've been patient and waiting since Pocket PC days.
I'm in Canada where NO carriers are getting the new Lumias. Like you, I want apps. No, I don't need alot but Windows phone is actually worse off than just missing apps. The browser can't handle many sites either (since they are not made with Windows Phone in mind). I have doubts that Edge will fix that. For example, I tried to order pizza from pizza hut while on a trip. No app was available AND the mobile site didn't work on my phone. Eventually I gave up and my brother used his iPhone to order. Grrr...

Because W10 Mobile appears to be nearly dead and will not be supported in Canada, I am now testing out a borrowed iPhone 6. Sadly I can't stand it. A couple of my frustrations are the inability to pin mailboxes to the start screen and the little numbers being a sad excuse for notifications (they do NOT disappear by opening the app, only by manually entering and exiting every email!). Maybe Android is better? After this disappointing experience on iPhone i just wish MS would make a Windows skinned android phone OR somehow allow us to load Google play onto W10 mobile.


Why not just order one of the new phones direct from Microsoft?
Yep, While I'm not switching, I'm adding another phone to my stack of phones that I use. My favorite OS by far is windows. I've had an 810,925, 640xl. My 640xl is my daily driver right now, however next week I'll added a 5x to the mix. I just want more apps and I've seen some of my favorite windows apps leave. Android doesn't do much for me, and I'm really hoping developers are just pulling their apps in anticipation of releasing their universal apps. Once that happens, I'll switch my daily driver back. I love the 950, but I'm not going to spend 600 on a new phone that I just browse the internet and text.
I haven't even tried android , i've missed out so many things due to the lack of apps . Still rocking with my LUMIA 520 . was on windows 10 builds , due to crashing and so many issues rolled back to wp8.1 .
This post is more like a therapy is agonizing to admit the Android based Note 5 has been so very tempting...and when I fire up my ICON and try to use it, beyond it being the better OS, it just feels so behind the times, even with Windows 10.

If I do return to the ICON, it will be when the official Windows 10 is released as I do tire of having to hard reset each time for best results. Still too many quirks (Band/Band 2 just doesn't connect well as well as general Bluetooth issues) to really use it day to day. And if news on a flagship on Verizon.
Yep. Thought of it. I've spent a good amount of time on both iOS and Android since we have a bunch of test devices at work that I get to muck around with. Not in love with either of them. If I had to chose I guess I'd pick Android. It just seems WinPhoMo seems barely ahead of itself during 2011 these days. If my 920 ever fails it's going to be an interesting situation. I'm in ATT so I could go 950, but those things are huge!

I really want the BB Priv to be good, but so far it seems too expensive.

The Priv is bigger than the 950.
Windows 10 Mobile has been pretty great for me so far on the Lumia 520. I've actually had more issues with Build 10576 on my PC which essentially broke my computer. I rolled back to Build 10565 and now Groove won't even open and my whole computer just feels a little bloated now. I can't do a reset because I no longer have a way to backup my computer. Life is good, eh?
I love Android (can't stand iOS) but I just love my Live Tiles, and the seamless Cortana integration, and the Windows Phone navigation just makes more sense in my head with Android. The UX just feels nicer in Windows Phone.
Windows 10 Mobile has been pretty great for me so far on the Lumia 520. I've actually had more issues with Build 10576 on my PC which essentially broke my computer. I rolled back to Build 10565 and now Groove won't even open and my whole computer just feels a little bloated now. I can't do a reset because I no longer have a way to backup my computer. Life is good, eh?
I love Android (can't stand iOS) but I just love my Live Tiles, and the seamless Cortana integration, and the Windows Phone navigation just makes more sense in my head with Android. The UX just feels nicer in Windows Phone.

I miss live tiles and the UX. I just hope things will improve for WP.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
Yep Thats pretty much where I am now. I was using a OnePlus One during the year. I then moved back and bought Lumia 930. However in the last week I have gone to a Samsung Galaxy S6 because the OPO was a little large and the camera wasn't quite there.

It's about the apps. In fact I was pretty active encouraging app developers through feedback in the Windows Store. However I got another email from one at the weekend regarding an issue I reported earlier this year. He gave me the answer but revealed he wasn't fixing anything more because he had decided to withdraw the app.

So it's not just numbers. What I can see is that apps that are available have fewer functions than their Android or IOS versions. They are updated less often and they are disappearing. Local apps are the worst. My local transit, taxi firm, bus company, stores, coffee shops etc all have apps for Android and IOS but nothing for Windowsphone.

Micrsoft wrote off 7 billion from the Nokia acquisition. If they spent a few million on app development that would have helped a lot more than any volume of advertising.
Dude, You have seen what the 950XL can do right? Liquid cooled system for best Continuum experience, Iris scanner, amazing pure view camera +++ and Windows 10 when it's polished. But then I guess you have your Note 4 now and we have to wait. Will let you test out Continuum when I do get a 950XL, eventually. There is not even any word on when it is coming to SA hey. And One Note, what a gem! And there will be a surface phone next year too, you may want switch from Samsung and Android bro.

If Verizon was getting or would allow the 950xl, I wouldn't have been tempted to even try a Note 5. I can't leave Verizon for the unforeseeable future and no flagship in the horizon. Plus, so tired of something GREAT to happen with WP. I do hope it will finally happen. Still want it to succeed and I do want a 950xl.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
I have done the same with my Note 4, got Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote (use it heavily!), OneDrive, Outlook and Office Lens, and they all work beautifully, even with the SPen, its such a pleasure to use my Android with the MS ecosystem working so smoothly, the best is using OneNote between my Note 4, iPad and Laptop :D

Enjoy the Note5, its a fantastic device. The nice thing with Android is you get incredible devices e.g. Galaxy Note5, Galaxy Note 4, Galaxy S6 Edge+, LG G4, Nexus 6P, Xperia Z5 Premium , Moto X Pure etc... That have the best hardware, from Display, Camera, RAM, internal storage, fast charging, Finger print scanning etc... And then you have this huge and highly accommodating app ecosystem, from the best publishers and even games. :)

Dude, You have seen what the 950XL can do right? Liquid cooled system for best Continuum experience, Iris scanner, amazing pure view camera +++ and Windows 10 when it's polished. But then I guess you have your Note 4 now and we have to wait. Will let you test out Continuum when I do get a 950XL, eventually. There is not even any word on when it is coming to SA hey. And One Note, what a gem! And there will be a surface phone next year too, you may want switch from Samsung and Android bro.
If Verizon was getting or would allow the 950xl, I wouldn't have been tempted to even try a Note 5. I can't leave Verizon for the unforeseeable future and no flagship in the horizon. Plus, so tired of something GREAT to happen with WP. I do hope it will finally happen. Still want it to succeed and I do want a 950xl.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android

It's really quite sad how MS does not seem to be interested in a broader adoption of their hardware and would rather push out software and app services across every other platform. I almost got a G4 quite recently simply because I would have Cortana and the entire MS office app suite on there, heck their Android launcher is probably one of the best on the platform yet we get version after version of the Windows Mobile 10 preview with no RTM release date in sight and wait and wait for the new hardware.

I agree with you it is highly frustrating but I do not see myself going back to Android again. MS does need to get their act together though.
It's really quite sad how MS does not seem to be interested in a broader adoption of their hardware and would rather push out software and app services across every other platform. I almost got a G4 quite recently simply because I would have Cortana and the entire MS office app suite on there, heck their Android launcher is probably one of the best on the platform yet we get version after version of the Windows Mobile 10 preview with no RTM release date in sight and wait and wait for the new hardware.

I agree with you it is highly frustrating but I do not see myself going back to Android again. MS does need to get their act together though.

Yeah... the point of my post was not to trash Windows Phone or Microsoft at all. But as a long time fan and a Verizon user, I do have to seek other devices right now. To be honest, I am quite surprised how the Microsoft ecosystem does work on Android even if I would rather be back on Windows Phone.

It is incredibly frustrating in kind of disheartening how things are working out right now with Windows Phone and Verizon

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
...I can't leave Verizon...

This is an insurmountable obstacle then, but as you indicate, nothing in this thread will alter it.

Yeah... the point of my post was not to trash Windows Phone or Microsoft at all. But as a long time fan and a Verizon user, I do have to seek other devices right now.

So the rest is the same talk that is going on in several other threads. Honestly this whole thing could have gone in the|thinking-leaving-comment-here.html thread. Please continue discussions there.
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