Loving it!


New member
Dec 31, 2012
I have to say, given so many doom and gloom threads that I've been loving this week. Microsoft is Slow even got a tm from Dan recently, but look at the last week.

-New Insider builds for not just Mobile, but Windows and Xbox
-About twenty app updates from Office to the calculator
-New Apps like the merged Skype/Messaging - loving this - even skype calls appear on the phone icon now
-Then smaller things like AT&T 830 firmware available through the recovery tool
-Companies like Yezz confirming support for WM10 and new phones

Still a lot of great stuff happening. Windows Mobile 10 starting to take shape.

I'm feeling things are moving at a pretty quick pace at the moment!
Thanks for this! We all need a bit of reminding and encouragement now and then.

Microsoft has been on a slow roll for a long time, but it's a hard struggle rolling it to the top of the hill. Once it hits the crest though, watch out! It's gonna flatten everything on the way down! That's the fun part of the ride right there.
Since installing Windows 10 I've really enjoyed using it and the exciting thing is that it's going to get better as it develops over time. I personally think it's a brilliant starting point. Next feature I'm looking forward to is the messaging app; I've been thinking about using it as an alternative to WhatsApp when communicating with my brother and especially when it appears on Windows 10 mobile. At the moment I don't enjoy using a separate Skype app just to communicate with one person but when it's intergrated into the OS, it will be a different story (or so I hope).
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