Low Resolution Facebook


New member
Mar 17, 2014
So we have this huge 6" 1080p gorgeous screen on this massive phone, and still when I browse Facebook, whether through the built-in people app or the official Facebook app, the pictures that have been posted, or images that have been shared are of a very low resolution. They look terrible on this screen. This has been an issue since Windows Phone 7 first came out. I don't get how this is still going on. Both Android and iOS support much higher resolutions on images and pictures shared through Facebook, yet I still see a blurry mess when I am going through my Facebook feed on my 1520.

Am I missing something here?
that blurriness goes away after 2-3 seconds , it depends on the internet connection speed you have , yes the images are not full resolution but they are clear though ;) and Facebook does not support full resolution images :(
No the blurriness is there regardless of how long I stare at the picture. The quality of the pictures shown from Facebook are very low compared to the apps on iOS and Android. This tells me it's not a Facebook issue, but more of a Microsoft issue (since they are the ones who developed the app). It's just ugly to see that on such a large screen. Disappointing since Windows Phone platform is so beautiful.
unfortunately the app isn't designed to cater for 1080p resolution of the 1520. the app is stretched to fit the screen hence the images looking warped as well...
I haven't really noticed any terrible looking photos on my 1520..

As said above, it's either a really low quality photo or the blurriness disappears after a while. You might be right in some instances where a photo is scaled and dropped in quality though.
I agree - will be dumping my nokia 635 soon - overall the interface and apps suck! Back to Android or IOS. Do not think W10 will solve the problem if 'they' do not admit there is a problem. The nokia is nice phone with a terrible operating system - too bad!

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