Lumia 1520.3 w/ AWS, 700Mhz and QI

That's actually not bad speeds and pings for 2 bars. Also anything around 100ms or less is good enough for VOIP calls. One thing T-mobile is good for is low latency on their network. I typically get around 80ms ping and I think that's great.

Definitely a lot faster than I was getting on MVNOs. Do think these phones are a little weak on the reception side though?

drbanks, I'm curious what speeds you were getting on your 925 in comparison to your 1520, considering you had a better signal.
I never seem to get more than 2-3 bars of anything while on T-Mobile, whether it's LTE or HSPA. And I haven't tried the device with any other carrier. Is this normal?

I am experiencing the same thing with my iPhone 5s. On my unlocked Lumia 920 I get 1-5 bars. I have never seen 5 !bars on my iPhone with tmobile

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I am experiencing the same thing with my iPhone 5s. On my unlocked Lumia 920 I get 1-5 bars. I have never seen 5 !bars on my iPhone with tmobile

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Interesting. Do you think the devices are the culprits, or is it a T-Mobile thing? Wish I had a nano AT&T sim to test. But your observation puts me at east a bit... could just be T-Mobile in our areas. Then again, your unlocked 920 would get full signal at times. Was that full HSPA or Edge?
Would you mind telling me which version (RM...) of the 1520 you bought, where you bought it from and how much?
I've been sleeping on this device for months. Time to wake up :o)
....and backordered! The Black is now "discontinued". Wow.

Damn. It's starting to look like this is reverting to unicorn status. I wish I could turn back the clock. I passed when they were available because I was waiting on the BillMeLater folks to fix my account so I could pay over 12 months instead of 6. I'd gladly go with 6 now if one was available.

Dave Clary/Corpus Christi, TX
Yellows in stock again at negri! They just emailed me about shipping.

No way! :smile: I've had an order in since before it said back ordered (just had green add to cart) at least two weeks ago now. Even talked to Negri today and the guy said he didn't even want to try and estimate when they'd have more in stock.
Can you tell me when you ordered? Thanks!
No way! :smile: I've had an order in since before it said back ordered (just had green add to cart) at least two weeks ago now. Even talked to Negri today and the guy said he didn't even want to try and estimate when they'd have more in stock.
Can you tell me when you ordered? Thanks!

April 14, and ya same thing was in stock the time i ordered and then wwnt on backorder a few days later. Got this today
At this time we're contacting in regards to your order. Your order has been processed and is set to ship out later today. Upon your approval we will proceed with this shipment. Please review and advise how you would like to proceed. We look forward to hearing from you. Have a great day.
Replied back kinda late though so probably not till monday now.
April 14, and ya same thing was in stock the time i ordered and then wwnt on backorder a few days later. Got this today
At this time we're contacting in regards to your order. Your order has been processed and is set to ship out later today. Upon your approval we will proceed with this shipment. Please review and advise how you would like to proceed. We look forward to hearing from you. Have a great day.
Replied back kinda late though so probably not till monday now.

Nice! Yeah, just checked and my order was placed on April 18th. Good thing you're at least getting a hold of one. Definitely keep us updated on progress.
I'm getting desperate -- I have a friend who lives in Nicaragua checking local stores. :-)

Dave Clary/Corpus Christi, TX
This thing has taken everything I can throw at it today. About 30 mins of video streaming (via carrier network, not Wifi), 60 minutes of calls on speaker phone, about 30 minutes of web browsing, texts, WhatsApp, plenty of social media use intermittently all day long (mostly People Hub). Took it off my wireless charging stand at 9 a.m., it's now half passed midnight and I still have 47% left :smile:. I would have had to fully charge my 920 somewhere in between at least once to get this much out of it, and I consider it to have pretty decent battery life.
Nice! Yeah, just checked and my order was placed on April 18th. Good thing you're at least getting a hold of one. Definitely keep us updated on progress.
And just got tracking email from FedEx, estimated delivery on the 8th =)
This thing has taken everything I can throw at it today. About 30 mins of video streaming (via carrier network, not Wifi), 60 minutes of calls on speaker phone, about 30 minutes of web browsing, texts, WhatsApp, plenty of social media use intermittently all day long (mostly People Hub). Took it off my wireless charging stand at 9 a.m., it's now half passed midnight and I still have 47% left :smile:. I would have had to fully charge my 920 somewhere in between at least once to get this much out of it, and I consider it to have pretty decent battery life.

Ya my 1520 was a bit erratic for about a week end a half. Now everything has settled and works like a charm. Battery life is awesome. I can go a solid 2 days . It holds up really well to video games. Games would kick my 920s ***. With this big bright screen I thought the battery would be suspect. Not the case.
Checking Negri once an hour. Don't want any stock sneaking by me.

Dave Clary/Corpus Christi, TX
Got my Black 1520.3 from NewEgg last week. Loving everything about it. LTE works perfectly with AT&T where I'm located and battery life with all radios and location on is still stupid long :D One strange issue I'm having is the Date and Time Settings though.. Seems whenever I soft reset the date is reset to 3/21/2013 and the time is reset to 7pm.. I read somewhere it's my phone not being able to get a time update from AT&T. Very odd bug but maybe a new nanoSIM would fix it, rather than the microSIM the AT&T employee chopped into a nanoSIM from my old 920.. My two pennies.
Att wasn't liking my 1520.3 when I got it. Signal was up and down and wouldn't sync up. The att tech had to use a different imei #.
Got my Black 1520.3 from NewEgg last week. Loving everything about it. LTE works perfectly with AT&T where I'm located and battery life with all radios and location on is still stupid long :D One strange issue I'm having is the Date and Time Settings though.. Seems whenever I soft reset the date is reset to 3/21/2013 and the time is reset to 7pm.. I read somewhere it's my phone not being able to get a time update from AT&T. Very odd bug but maybe a new nanoSIM would fix it, rather than the microSIM the AT&T employee chopped into a nanoSIM from my old 920.. My two pennies.

That is normal.
My friend in Nicaragua didn't have any luck either: "I checked with the three shops in my town and they don't have this phone. And nobody wanted to even order it. It must be pretty new or something very popular at the moment."

Dave Clary/Corpus Christi, TX
As to soft rese, I think that's how I works, from reading here somewhere,it clears all bad stuff and resets time and date, that's normal

Sent from my Nokia 1520.3 the beast

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