Lumia 1520.3 w/ AWS, 700Mhz and QI

I just got the Nokia Lumia 1520.3 off newegg. Love it so much. Updated everything and running perfect on tmobile and 8.1. I also found the best case ever. I'll post a link later. So worth the money. Thanks for everyone that shared all the helpful info. I love this forum. I could not be happier.
I also found the best case ever. I'll post a link later. So worth the money. Thanks for everyone that shared all the helpful info.

Speaking of cases, the Nillkin showed up today. I think I'm going to stay with the Incipio. The Nillkin is very slick and there is a VERY small raised edge. It looks great because the yellow shows on the top and bottom, but I'll probably return it.

I love this forum. I could not be happier.


Dave Clary/Corpus Christi, TX
A quick post. I have a 1520.3 that had worked flawlessly working with WP 8.0 and Internet sharing worked as well. The moment I upgraded to WP 8.1 I lost internet sharing right away. I tried everything with no success. That was until I found a post that suggested a downgrade back to WP 8.0, download the Spanish (Spain) Keyboard to ensure internet sharing works. Once all things are A OK, then do the upgrade to WP 8.1 - well I am happy to report that the above steps did work for me and I am in love with my phone even more now.
Cool. I had to do the Spanish trick to get Internet Sharing working for me on 8.0. I hope this means I am good to go for 8.1
Cool. I had to do the Spanish trick to get Internet Sharing working for me on 8.0. I hope this means I am good to go for 8.1

I did the keyboard thing on 8.0. It worked. Upgraded to 8.1 immediately thereafter--sharing still a go.

Dave Clary/Corpus Christi, TX
Do you need any update? I received my from Newegg last week. After installed the Battery program, that program showed that I have already made few hours call. I am very unsure if sells brand new or repack item to us.
Also can see the noisy low light pics that has been mentioned, my 920 did better than this, not to mention my 1020. Going to wait a few days till the weekend to decide,

Is this photo noisy? I thought it was really good. Just a little candle thing nearby in a dark restaurant. I held a 1520 for 5mins to take this picture and scroll around a bit.... didn't notice anything odd about sensitivity. I have a 920.

Been running with my 1520.3 for a few days now. Best phone I have ever owned. Very consistent behavior, apps always start and transitions occur the same way, in the same amount of time, EVERY time. A huge plus over my old Samsung GS3 Android phone is the 1520.3 has virtually no input lag. I can type very quickly on the keyboard, fast enough even to misspell, and it never misses a letter and still autocorrects everything perfectly on the fly. Tried the text-to-speech function this evening and it resolved a 13 word sentence noticeably faster than my old GS3 and Google could. It even understood that the sentence was a question and not a statement, and got the punctuation correct.

Only once have I ever had a "phantom tap" with it over many days of using it, and that may have been my fault since I was trying to navigate the screen at an odd angle while it was resting on a Nokia DT-910 Qi charger.

I am running 8.0 with all Nokia/MS defaults with the exception of having weather appear on the lockscreen, and I am not having any of the sensitivity issues described by others. I'd want to suspect a batch issue, but a lot of us here got our phones at basically the same time and ostensibly from the same manufacturing run.
Thatd the case i got for my 1520.3 s?per thin, modern and it still allows me to put phone on wireless charger and wow it worked. Click on pics in link for better view...
Just got my phone a couple of days ago, this is my first upgrade coming from an iphone 3GS (yes three) that I've been using since it released in 2009. I only ever used it to make calls so I didn't care about camera/games/resolution/pixels ect.

Let me say that this phone is absolutely amazing in my opinion, maybe because this is the first time in 5 years that I've had a new phone, but I love this thing.

I got the 1520.3 in black, is it just me that finds the black more attractive than the other colors? I've heard a few people say that black phones lack that 'eye catchiness' and that it's far too common. I actually find matte black to appear more sleek/cool/premium/professional and not to mention sexy.
I almost went with the white one but I can imagine the color being messed up as time passes with handling the phone, for some reason I can't explain, the white looks of a lesser quality than the black. The red one is glossy so that was an automatic no no for me because gloss = micro stratches, and a yellow phone I found looked a bit playful. Also, it could be just me, but when I'm looking at the screen, since the boarders are black and not color, it feels like the screen is bigger since the glass blends into the matte black. Maybe I,m just crazy

Anyway I'm on day 6 with the phone, only 2 random reboots but none recently. The case I got was this one Buy Protective Cover CP-623 for Nokia 1520 - Microsoft Store I looks good on paper but it's terrible, the flap is super annoying since it isn't magnetic, something I thought I could love with, but it slides all over the place, and leaves my screen all smudgy.
I've set up a return and decided to go with this Nillkin Matte Hard Case Cover with LCD Guard for Nokia Lumia 1520 - Retail Packaging: Cell Phones & Accessories
Welcome to the club!

I don't think color really matters--especially if you're going to put it in a case.

I got the Nillkin case but decided not to use it because I didn't like the feel. It has a hard, slick surface that feels slippery to me. Also the raised edge to protect the front is really small. I fits really well and looks good-hope it suits you.

Dave Clary/Corpus Christi, TX
I wrote a review of my 1520.3 for NewEgg this morning but it still isn't showing up. I guess they didn't like that I mentioned that I was unhappy with the shipping experience. By the way, the first review for the black model is from a guy who says it doesn't work with T-Mobile. NewEgg doesn't let you comment on other reviews so that just sits there as a dose of misinformation.

Dave Clary/Corpus Christi, TX
I heard many complaints that the tempered glass protectors pretty undesirable because many of them don't fit the 1520 perfectly because we are talking about a flat piece of glass vs the lumia's slightly curved outer edges. Around these edges the glass does not sit flush to the screen and sticks out a tad, allowing dust and things to accumulate underneath. Also, the ones that do not have this problem are because they are largely undersized and don't reach the corners, taking away from the sexy look because you have this obvious undersized layering over your beautiful gorilla glass screen that doesn't even fully cover it. So some of the image is under the glass, and some is not.
95% of the tempered glass are shipped and sold from China and because of this, product descriptions and even the images themselves are highly unreliable. Someone I know that got a glass screen for their 1520, the product image showed the glass fully covering the screen, got the product, barely 75% of the screen covered, almost like it was for another phone.

In case you were too lazy to read my life long essay, just go with a dry HD/Crystal clear non glass alternative because the glass is not a good idea because of a lot of false advertisement and bad quality.
In case you didn't see it elsewhere, there's an update to 8.1 available.

Dave Clary/Corpus Christi, TX
I think it's kind of funny we've gone from scrambling to find a Unicorn in stock to the present listing on NewEgg that says "limit five per customer."

Dave Clary/Corpus Christi, TX

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