lumia 1520 does not support Project my screen over wifi

Praveen Rajput1

New member
Apr 16, 2014
I've downloaded windows 8.1 preview for Lumia 1520 all night to test this feature project my screen over Wi-Fi or Miracast but for the kind information the project my screen DOES NOT WORK ON LUMIA 1520, IT SHOWS CANNOT CONNECT OVER WIFI PLEASE CONNECT USB, , secondly why the hell is music app taking so much of time to load even when I try to load it as soon as the phone starts with no background apps, the thing this update is for developer's I know but have it killed my expectation :crying:
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New member
Apr 3, 2013
Well, first things first. It's not working yet.

You need a firmware update for it to work and as you pointed out already this is a preview. The app that is required to work with USB is not available yet as mentioned already, this is a preview.

So you had a good whinge. If you can't wait and feel WP isn't for you right now then go use another OS.

Since this is a preview there could be issues. Complaining is something a lot of people seem to be doing without realising that, this is a preview. If you have issues do a hard reset.

Praveen Rajput1

New member
Apr 16, 2014
yes, thank you for the info , I was expecting other user's experience on their updates was their project my screen worked


New member
Apr 5, 2012

Not having a feature you want can be frustrating but here is the thing: Windows 8.1 Developer Preview is just that: A Preview. This is no different than a Beta, Release Candidate, a Test, or a Demo. I've been participating in Beta Tests since Windows 95 and I would strongly suggest that you should always look at them as follows:

  • I'm a big believer that when an organization or person calls something a Beta, a Preview, a Release Candidate, etc... it should ALWAYS be treated as a live grenade. I don't ever get mad at them if it blows up in my face and remember the effort to fix or correct something is a learning-experience-for-all. I strongly suggest that anyone else diving into that pool go in with the same attitude and expectations, It saves a lot of frustration and tears over time.

  • Test products are, by definition, not feature complete. As a "work in progress" expecting items to be half-backed or even missing is an expectation.

  • Microsoft was (and has been) always up front about this. Anyone who installs the DP has to go through multiple steps to do so (signing up as a developer, installing the developer preview app, agreeing to the terms and conditions of the developer preview app, and then once more agree to the terms and conditions of the installation of WP 8.1 DP). The reason for that is pretty straightforward -- they don't want people to accidently get something that is not completely ready for prime-time yet. Otherwise it would just go out as a new update without all the hoops to jump through.

As for the Miracast. The information about this has been pretty clear both on the Internet and on this particular forum (I know because I've been communicating a fair amount of those updates about Miracast). But to summarize:

  • Miracast needs the hardware to support that feature. Since Microsoft wasn't supporting it in Windows Phone yet, very few Phone Manufacturers (including Nokia) were building the hardware into the phones. The only phones that have the needed Chipset are the Lumia 1520, Icon, and 930.

  • It takes 3 things to make Miracast Work: The Operating System, the Chipset, and the Chipset Drivers. Your 1520 has two of those things now and Nokia plans to provide the driver support in an update called Cyan that will be out later this summer. Rest assured it is coming but before Nokia could develop the driver support they needed to have a fairly complete version of an OS that supports it. They now have that in WP 8.1 so they can get to work. But that still takes some time

  • For a direct connection support (i.e. a USB to HDMI dongle) may already be there. This was demoed with a 1520 at the BUILD conference and the feature appears to be enabled in the Developer Preview on the 1520, but I'm still looking into what dongles work before putting a post up here. It might even be later today that I get the chance to verify this so all I can say is watch this forum for more news.

Everyone wants to vent when something isn't working the way they think it should. I get that. And venting here certainly is one of the reasons forums like this exist. But do try to remember that this is not a Microsoft or Nokia supported group and expressing purchase regret or threating to get another brand of product isn't going to be heard by MS or Nokia. If you want to gripe directly to MS about the Developer Preview I would advice going here:

Msdn forums - Windows Phone Preview OS Issues

That is the Microsoft Owned and Supported Forum for this test product and they are monitoring posts there.

As for the Music App being slow to launch. All I can tell you is that has not been my experience but based on what I'm seeing from posts a lot of odd problems and issues can be fixed by performing a hard-reset and loading up everything clean. While that is a pain-in-the-#@@ as an experienced Beta Tester I can tell you that it is often the smartest thing to do when having problems and again, it kind of comes with accepting the responsibility of installing a pre-release operating system on your phone.

Last, remember that we are all Microsoft Windows Phone Enthusiasts here. All of us are doing this for love of the product or the fun of being out there on the edge and I've never seen this group not try to help someone through their problems. Remember we are all in this together.

Praveen Rajput1

New member
Apr 16, 2014
yes Thank you for a prolonged text reply, I'm nor threatening nor telling anyone to buy other branded phone, I'm myself in love with Microsoft windows phone i'm been switching from phone to phone for a better user experience also from my first phone i.e., nokia 3230 to this Lumia 1520 I've switched like 30 phone all Nokia believing that their phone are the best but recently Windows phone has been a quite exacting from Lumia 520, then 920, and now 1520.
I'm just been frustrated that the developer's issue having so many problem that they have quite a work to do
still the best OS and nokia


New member
Jul 7, 2005
I don't own a Lumia 1520. But, I've just started reading up on it the last two days. I'm totally in love with my Microsoft Surface Pro 2 and I currently have a BlackBerry Q10.

This weekend I picked up a Netgear PTV3000. I immediately updated its firmware and hooked it up to the TV.

Without any driver updates (on my source Q10 or SP2), I was able to connect wireless with my Q10 and (separately, not concurrently) with my SP2. The 1080 display quality actually surprised me from the SP2. I was able to get about 40 feet away. Line of sight, distance, and interference may affect the stream. For example, a microwave oven or other BT/WiFi traffic.

The PTV3000 establishes a 1:1 wireless communication with the streaming source - so internet access or router access is not required. This might be helpful if you were presenting in a conference room where there was no network, or a classroom that is out of reach of WiFi and cell signals were weak. If the source device contained the video (hard drive, SSD, SD card, USB Drive, or PowerPoint, etc. you would be fine. Streaming from the cloud would, of course, require internet or network access from the source device.

My son hooked up an XBox 360 USB controller to my Surface Pro 2 and played Asphalt 8 via Miracast on the TV with no lag issues at a distance of about eight feet. Frankly, I was shocked. While it is best for streaming music, HD video or presenting - gaming and typing isn't out of the question.

All this to say, I believe that the 1520 contains the technical requirements to perform the same way as my SP2 and BBQ10 performed. Lumia 1520 drivers or firmware updates may be necessary to establish a connection between the two. Not sure. I want to try it. I am sooo tempted to get a 1520 so I can really be productive - enhancing my mobile reach. It looks like a beast compared to my tiny Q10.


New member
Aug 4, 2012
Without any driver updates (on my source Q10 or SP2), I was able to connect wireless with my Q10 and (separately, not concurrently) with my SP2. The 1080 display quality actually surprised me from the SP2. I was able to get about 40 feet away. Line of sight, distance, and interference may affect the stream. For example, a microwave oven or other BT/WiFi traffic.

It is because the Q10 and the BB OS were prepared for that function, the drivers (or programs) are there before you buyd the phone. The Lumia 152
and Windows Phone 8 doesn't have that function, and Windows Phone 8.1 will add it, that's why Nokia needs to release a firmware with support to that function.

All this to say, I believe that the 1520 contains the technical requirements to perform the same way as my SP2 and BBQ10 performed. Lumia 1520 drivers or firmware updates may be necessary to establish a connection between the two. Not sure. I want to try it. I am sooo tempted to get a 1520 so I can really be productive - enhancing my mobile reach. It looks like a beast compared to my tiny Q10.

That's the case, the OS is not having that function, that's why the OS needs the suppport from the firmware.


New member
Aug 7, 2014
It works now. I've used Project My Screen to wirelessly mirror my Nokia 1520 to my TV using a Netgear Push2TV (PTV-3000); my TV doesn't have Miracast. As some of the earlier posts indicated, Project My Screen wasn't intended to work in the Developer Preview.

Charlie Mac

New member
Feb 15, 2015
This worked as noted when I first set up my win phone. I thought it was to simple. It streamed through mu roku 3. I just tried it 2 days ago and it has the same problem as yours. I always had 8.1 but what changed? I also found that it is effected by phone memory, All my data is on a SD card so it wasn't that. I know it works but when will it be fixed?

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