Lumia 2520 hard drive filling up issue


New member
Aug 31, 2014
I I have a Nokia Lumia 2520 that I've had since last December. I don't have many apps or really anything saved on it however my hard drive space is only showing 5gb left out of 25gb. I've opened C drive and really everything in it doesn't come close to 20gb. I've already done a disk clean up but that only freed up 30mb. My little brother has a Nokia Lumia 820 phone that did this same thing until the hard drive was completely full and he had to reset the phone to factory settings. Does anyone else know how to fix this issue?


New member
Apr 30, 2013
What you can try is right clicking on the C drive and then properties. Select Disc Clean-up, let it do its thing then select Clean up system files. Again let it do its thing and that should free up a bit more space for you.

If not then there must be something that's taking up some space. The thing is the 2520 will only have about 8GB or a bit more free for YOU to use anyway.

Fingers crossed they update it so we can install apps and games to the card instead.

Sky River

New member
Mar 12, 2014
Perhaps it crashed and saved a large crash dump file. Check for large .DMP files. Look for and delete C:\Windows\Memory.dmp.


New member
Sep 29, 2013
Not sure if you tried this, but try deleting your internet explorer cache. For some reason on mine, it had consumed nearly 5GB of storage space. Open the metro ie app and go to settings and you'll find the option there. I still have about another 4GB that are unaccounted for, even after running disk clean up, etc..

Alan Dixon2

New member
May 30, 2015
I have one of these and had the same issue, drive space reduced to less than 1Gb. Disk Clean up doesn't do much but this does: look for this on the Microsoft site,
Pay particular attention to the 'Reduce size of WinSxS folder' Also go into the Windows folder itself and find the following: Windows\Softwaredistribution\downloads. The contents of this folder seem to contain large amounts of previous update/software downloads and the contents are eminently deletable with no bad effect.
On the other hand a system refresh if your tablet is working well otherwise will only result in having to reinstall all the updates from Windows RT year dot.
I now have 12.4 Gb of free space but it really shouldn't be this difficult to achieve.
Now have restored faith in my tablet and it was a proper bargain from John Lewis.


New member
Dec 12, 2012
yeah I'm starting to have this issue now. I tried all the obvious procedures (Disk Cleanup, clearing caches and temp files, etc.) and checking what's taking up the space (apps, media) which all only add up to half of my internal storage. But what could be taking up the other half?
I'm thinking it may be something to do with either OneDrive (previously SkyDrive) or Mail (syncs with my Gmail which has a ton of e-mails), or perhaps even both! This started becoming an issue just after I started connecting my OneDrive account and Mail. So I'm doing my best to unsync and disconnect those services and files offline. RT doesn't let me uninstall OneDrive, so I'm limited to what I'm allowed to do. I'm gonna try and do Mail today and see what happens.
I hope my input here may help others who are having the same issue because I know there's quite a few of them after searching. Any direct solution is appreciated.


New member
Oct 1, 2014
The Bing news app balloons up the storage for me. I uninstalled and reinstalled it, and got quite a few gigs back.

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