lumia 520 is acting weird

Jona de Graaf

New member
Jan 3, 2015
I have a lumia 520 with windows phone 8.1.
But it is acting very strange lately.
It types by itself, and opens apps.
I can't acces my phone because when i want to enter my password it types by itself. Ofcourse the password is wrong and i have to wait a minute...
I did a factory reset, and i seemed to work but then i did the same thing again...
Since i'm a "Newbie" i cant post links :/. I found a video on youtube of a guy that has the same problem. Search for nokia lumia 1520 bug.. does weird things by itself.
Does anyone know what this is?
Please help ASAP.
It's a known problem in the 1520. Due to it's size it can be "bend and if this happens the touch screen becomes "crazy".
But what also can cause it is a screen protector your phone or a casing which is to tight.
Do you have a screen protector or a tight casing or do you "bend" your phone by accident if you put it in your pocket?
What also could be is a crack on the screen.
Sounds anything above familiar?
Well, i have the lumia 520, not the 1520.
I dont have any cracks or something on my screen. And i also dont use a case or a screen protector.
Indeed it is much more difficult to bend the 520 than the 1520.
But this is touch related.
If it was software than the hard reset would have solved it so it is hardware related.
I fear your touch screen is "bad". I am not sure how technical you are but it may be that the touch screen flex foil has a bad connection with the mainboard.
Try to find a video how to disassemble the 520. And if you up to it just open it and reconnect the touch screen.
But if you still have warranty on it send it off to repair.
If your phone is out warranty it might make more sense to find a new one. They're being sold for as little as $29.00 as AT&T go phones.

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