Lumia 620 running slow as heck and randomly restarting


New member
Jul 10, 2014
Hello, so recently my Lumia 620 runs extremely slow from time to time. Like after a period of inactivity on the lock screen, when unlocked it will run very slowly up until the point where I will have to do a battery pull to get it to run normal again. As well as that, I've been noticing recently that my Lumia will restart itself randomly. I will be on my laptop for example and out of the corner of my eye I can see the Nokia logo on my screen - indicating that it is turning on. I have tried a soft reset but nothing else as of yet. Any ideas? :)
Same here, this phone is slow as hell and extremely buggy. It has always been since I bought it, whatever WP version or firmware installed.
I tried hard-resetting, send it back to Nokia (RMA), still slow .
I really consider changing phone.
My apps are well.. Official. Not sure if I want to hard reset. Could it possibly be because of the last phone update? I'm gonna wait until the next update and if it still continues after that then I will probably hard reset. Thanks to all the replies above so far ^^^^^
Actually I've learned that if you don't have Cyan but 8.1 there is a major performance issue with the 630 so... if you have it, maybe that's why.
Actually I've learned that if you don't have Cyan but 8.1 there is a major performance issue with the 630 so... if you have it, maybe that's why.

Nah, I don't have the 630. I mean, at times (especially after a battery pull) the device is fast and runs as normal, but it's only after a period of inactivity whilst locked that it will randomly restart.

Anyways, my Lumia has downloaded the new update. I'm not getting my hopes up but I do hope that this will sort it out. I'll report back to you guys on whatever happens! :grin:
Just a quick update... Seems like my phone's been running alright as of now - so I would say the update has kinda fixed it. I cant say for sure, but hopefully this has fixed it and I wont get it back down along the line. Thanks for the replies!

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