Lumia 635 AT&T GoPhone


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Jul 8, 2014
I took advantage of the 40$ offer at best buy. Question is, anybody know a quick way to unlock it for use with other carriers, or should I call and hope for the best. I don't plan to activate it with them or use their service. I've got TMo 30$ prepaid plan and if I can unlock it ill be upgrading from my 521 to it.

If I can get it unlocked, it will become my primary phone, and ill give my sis my 521.
If not ill keep my 521 and hand her the 635.
Keep your 521 and hand her the 635.

If there was a quick and easy way to unlock it, A. I would've bought one, B. It wouldn't be so cheap.
I learned awhile ago that you have to learn to play AT&T's game with all those locked phones. They give them away so you will be locked into their system. However their are several MVNO's that you can use AT&Ts phones and their network (I use Consumer Celllular). You can beat their system, and get those cheap phones and not be tied to them. Plus they may be the best at upgrading WP phones even if you are not using them on thier network. So look around and find a mvno that meets your needs and grab a couple of those locked AT&T phones, and smile at all the money you saved. Now if only I could find a way to buy one of those 199$ Fire plones and use it with WP 8.1
I'm on TMo's 30$ monthly plan. 100 calls, unlimited international texting and 5 gigs of 4G LTE data. I can't think of a single cellular provider that can top that.

My lil sis loves her new phone. :)
I was hoping to grab the 635 as an upgrade till I land a job n buy the 1520 with no contract (or its successor) (or if the future 940 has SD support and isn't amoled).
Ah well, another victory for windows phone nonetheless :3

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