I have a lumia 640 that I don't use much. I used to plug it in like every 3 days. Within the last few weeks the battery hasn't lasted a full 24 hours. I give it a full charge and overnight with no use at all the battery will be down to 50%. I have reset the phone twice and tried 2 new batteries. Where the battery used to drain a little over 1% an hour it now drains about 5% or more. I turned off ever background app and that doesn't help either.
I'm just wondering if anyone else has had this problem or knows if a phone can just start to malfunction. I have no clue how to tell if the processor is running full blast or something like that could be happening.
Any info would be great,
I'm just wondering if anyone else has had this problem or knows if a phone can just start to malfunction. I have no clue how to tell if the processor is running full blast or something like that could be happening.
Any info would be great,