Lumia 650 Dual SIM - messages assigned to wrong SIM card


New member
Jul 26, 2016

I know it should be simple, but after a few hours of trying I want to throw my Lumia against the wall ...

In short - I have two phones - personal and business. It is logical that buying a phone with Dual SIM, I want to transfer my contacts and messages to Lumia in such a way that they are assigned to the relevant container.

SIM 1 - messages and contacts from my private phone

SIM 2 - messages and contacts from work phone

Old data can be transferred via Bluetooth and the program Transfer My Data. It sounds great, but no matter in what order I put SIM cards to the Lumia, contacts and messages always ascribe to the "container" SIM 1 and remain there even after the change of cards in slots.

With contacts it is possible to change SIM card (but that was not easy task - it is necessary to update your phone, clicking on every contact one by one and then select the SIM card from the list), but with text messages, I don't have option to move them to proper SIM container. All SMSs are thrown under SIM 1 and it is not possible to move the conversation to the relevant tab - in my case SIM 2.

I don't get this. There are two SIM containers and they both work fine for new messages. Texts from my first phone number are in SIM 1 and from my second number in SIM 2. It works even for the same sender, messages are shown in different colors etc. Really nice.
So the only problem is the proper segregation of old, imported messages.

Is there any way I can achieve this? Maybe with some app or "magic" trick?

Thanks in advance for help.

PS. My Lumia have the newest version - 10.0.10586.494
Have you tried removing the sim cards and try transferring with only one inserted at a time?
Yes I did. It doesn't work. When SIM is in Slot 2 messages are still imported into slot 1 (without card inserted). When I put the card in slot 1 it works until i switch the card to slot 2.
Sorry for double posts, but I've just checked it once again with every possible combination:

- swap sim cards in slots
- sim 1 only in slot 1 and slot 2
- sim 2 only in slot 1 and slot 2

Messages are always imported into sim 1 container. :(

Any further ideas?

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