Lumia 650 vs. 925 camera


New member
Aug 22, 2013
Hi, my wife's 925 is finally starting to fizzle out, but currently, price is an important consideration for a replacement. We want a windows 10 mobile phone, and was thinking about the 650, but I want to know how the camera compares to the 925 camera. I know that it is slightly lower resolution (which isn't necessarily a problem), and also a smaller sensor (which may be a problem, especially in low light?-where I've read the 650 has problems), but I don't know how everything (including windows 10 mobile and the new camera app) translates into actual photographs. I've seen comparisons between the 650d other phones, but not between the 650 and the 925. Can anyone help me? Thanks everyone.
I would go with either the 650 or 640 which ever two. Both have different cameras slightly. Though both you can't go wrong. Just depends on your budget. :)
Thank you for this tip, the compare tool this is really useful. You really notice sharpening (or oversharpening) with the 650, but the colors are more similar to the 950, which I like. Thanks again.
You're welcome. Btw not sure how are you familiar with RAW format, but it can be enabled on 650 with some tweaks.
You can search Flickr for photos from both phones and get some real world idea how they perform.

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