Lumia 800 on Orange UK


New member
Nov 3, 2011

I am taking the plunge and going for a Lumia 800! Registered with Orange and will be receiving the phone on the 16th November (with my free XBox) :)

One thing that may kill my upgrade is the likelihood of Orange UK bloatware on the phone. I did venture over to the Android side 18 months ago and my HTC Desire had Orange software on it I couldn't remove. I dont mind if the Lumia comes with the Orange logo on the back, but please, please, please someone tell me that they are going to keep the OS untouched!

In my opinion, operators should sell the phones as they are marketed by the manufacturer - the only exception to this is Apple, operators are legally bound not to pre-install any apps etc on the phone. I have, however, just read a review where it was mentioned that Microsoft have put the same restrictions in place.

Would be interested to know if anyone had any input on if it comes with pre-installed software/cr@p - then i aint upgrading!

P.S. Will be sure to post my review of the Lumia 800 if I get it
I seriously doubt that Orange (or any other carrier) will be loading any bloatware onto these phones - there simply isn't time! These phones have come from concept to production in just 8 months from Nokia - there's no way there would be time for operators to build, test, and prepare their own software packages for these handsets in that sort of time period.

As for legal restrictions .. not sure. What I do know however is that Microsoft went some way to solving the problem of getting updates out to Windows phone users. I doubt this would be possible if carriers were allowed to load all sorts of junk onto the phone - it would just muddy the waters too much. I heard (early on) that carriers can, in some circumstances block updates- but that they aren't allowed to do this indefinitely. This may have changed since the early days.

What I would be interested to know, is whether the software update picture changes at all with Nokia. We know they'll be loading some of their own software onto the phone - Nokia Drive, Maps, Music etc. Will this require extra testing when updates are released .. or will it just be treated like any other app (locked to your Nokia of course)?

Time will tell - but I too plan to get my Lumia 800 on Orange, and I'm not worried. - I doubt you'll even see an Orange logo painted onto it. Whether you set the Live tiles to be Orange in colour ... is a choice I'll leave to you! ;)
Thanks for your thoughts on that. I agree that time was really against them on this it'll be nice to have a totally unbranded phone on Orange.

Our of interest, what are you upgrading from?

Btw....Orange tiles will not be my choice!
My Mozart bought from eBay was on Orange (I unlocked it and use it on O2). You can delete the installed apps (Orange Wednesdays and another one - I forget what) as you would any other non-core app so no problems there, but you won't be able to delete the bonus colour scheme (Orange uk - dunno if this'll come as well as or instead of Nokia Blue) or remove the default web addresses/phone no.s embedded in the "about" section without debranding, which isn't possible yet for the 800. If you're going to use it on Orange UK, I susect that isn't so much of an issue though!
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I'm still waiting for O2 to announce their next line of phones. They're so Droided at the moment it's irritatingly unbelievable.
In light of their stance with WPs prior to this announcement, I was quite surprised as well, Wee Bear. The last I heard (from your good self, IIRC) was that they were turning their back on WPs.

My fingers are crossed for the Titan to come to O2. As much as I love the 800, I'm not sure I can work around the screen size.
Yes there's no advantage with the 800 over my Omnia so what's the point ? Just want a bigger screen.

Yes 3 stopped supplying the Omnia 7 a while back, and only have reburbs now.

Still good news that they are keeping their WP plans alive though. Pleased about that. :)
Absolutely! :) Lets hope O2 get behind this gen of Windows Phones. Considering they offered the HD7, I'm hopeful for the Titan.
Thanks for your thoughts on that. I agree that time was really against them on this it'll be nice to have a totally unbranded phone on Orange.

Our of interest, what are you upgrading from?

Btw....Orange tiles will not be my choice!

I'm upgrading from .... the iPhone! *gasp* After over three years as an iPhone user (first a 3G owner, then a 4), I have deicded the time is right to switch away for a number of reasons.

Back in 2008 when I got the iPhone 3G, there really wasn't any compettion to the iPhone. Now we have Android and WP7 - and of the two, I much prefer WP7 for it's update suppport, and is as stable and fluid as the iPhone on all the handsets I've had the chance to play with. Android? Not so much.

Also, I much prefer Microsoft's approach to software and services. Stuff like iCloud seems great - but it's just not flexible enough. I much prefer SkyDrive where I can choose to sync and work locally, or choose to work online using Office Web Apps. A phone that can integrate with all that stuff seems much more appealing, particulary when paired with .. say.. a future Windows 8 tablet, which again I prefer over the iPad because of it's superior network capability.

I've had a few people ask me if I'll miss access to all the apps .... but every time I pull up the multi-tasking list on my iPhone and take a look at all the apps I use the most, I can't find anything that isn't available on WP7 (or better yet, provided by native WP7 functionality).

I think the future is bright for WP7, and the partnership with Nokia coupled with the apparent backing of many operators will help drive up marketshare for WP7, which in turn will help spur another surge in app availability, and increase Microsoft's responsibility to us - ther user- in getting innovative features into our hands.

So, I'm looking forward to getting my hands on the Lumia 800 .. although I'll have to wait. I'm on holiday on release day! I'll be relying on you all for initial reaction!

Just had a phone call from my local Orange shop telling me my phone is in and can be picked up from 9am tomorrow will i sleep tonight?! :D
Not long indeed - he he!!!

Still doing loads of research and enjoying finding out more and more about WP...largely thanks to this forum.

Will update here when I have it. Now I should at least try and get some sleep! :D
Well safe journey to Irvine in the morning or whenever you decide to go.

We look forward to hearing about your new toy. :)
I'm having to work this morning, TheWeeBear - so wont be picking it up until 5pm from the Kilmarnock Orange shop (not sure why I decided to go there rather than the closer Irvine store)

This day is going to drag in! :(
The missus has just been for mine from Orange retail. Can't wait to get home tonight now!

I'm moving from iPhone 4 and toyed with the idea of a Galaxy Nexus, decided it wasn't for me after Orange decided they weren't stocking it.

Orange didn't have it on the systems to be able to upgrade this morning which caused a few issues, it's on there now though so if anyone's after it then now's your time!

Oh that's good news DarrenUK. It's that Christmas feeling a bit early LOL

Welcome along to WPC. :)

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