Lumia 822 on 8.1 vs. Icon on 10


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Jul 10, 2016
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Just a quick comparison of my "upgrade" from an 822 on 8.1 to the Icon on WP10 420.

First, I am so used to glance and tap to wake that the Icon seems like a big step backwards.

Next, I have noticed that the Icon seems to get hot doing almost anything- taking pictures, viewing pictures, video, etc. but the camera is awesome. When I shot a 30sec video this afternoon, the phone got really hot and stayed that way for a while.

Third, data download is at best equal, but probably not as fast as the 822. I use it as a hotspot for data at the house since I still have unlimited data. I was expecting a bump in speed from the XLTE available on the Icon here in Atlanta. It has also dropped data connectivity a couple of times for no reason. Had to restart the phone to get data back. the 822 has never had any problems like that.

Battery life has gotten better since first doing the WP10 upgrade, but it is still pretty bad. I put it on the charger a couple of times a day just to be safe but it is way worse than the 822 in general for the same daily routine.

Screen resolution and UI are nicer on the Icon, of course. The new email app is much better but I can't get my calendar to sync on the Icon. Frustrating.

Anytime it uses data- weather app, radar, etc the phone gets hot very quickly and of course drains the battery fast as well. Using it as a hotspot doesn't get it near as hot as using edge for internet since the phone is not actually rendering anything.

All in all, a disappointment. I'll keep it until the next official update comes out (August?) and then decide if I'm going back the the 822. Anyone having a different experience than mine with no problems? I think the Icon on WP10 is still half-baked... Any suggestions for things I've missed setting it up for a better user experience?


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Apr 27, 2012
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I am familiar with both devices.

I have a few suggestions you can try.

Did you do a fresh install of WM10 on your icon? If not do a hard reset (make sure your photos,contacts, etc are backed up because theyll be erased). Give it a few days for battery to settle due to emails annd apps updating. See how that goes.

You can also go back to 8.1 on the icon using the microsoft recovery software... 8.1 runs great on the icon. Very responsive and no crashes like WM10.

Another option you have if you want to stay in the realm of WM10 is to install windows insiders app on your 822 and use the slow ring. This is the threshold build running on your icon but with latest bug fixes. So you will essentially have the same software upgrades minus anything tied to the capability of the hardware. You will still keep glance just not have the better camera and screen that icon has....and if you're not happy with that either gou can go back to 8.1 using the recovery software.


Feb 27, 2014
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I am familiar with both devices.

I have a few suggestions you can try.

Did you do a fresh install of WM10 on your icon? If not do a hard reset (make sure your photos,contacts, etc are backed up because theyll be erased). Give it a few days for battery to settle due to emails annd apps updating. See how that goes.

You can also go back to 8.1 on the icon using the microsoft recovery software... 8.1 runs great on the icon. Very responsive and no crashes like WM10.

Another option you have if you want to stay in the realm of WM10 is to install windows insiders app on your 822 and use the slow ring. This is the threshold build running on your icon but with latest bug fixes. So you will essentially have the same software upgrades minus anything tied to the capability of the hardware. You will still keep glance just not have the better camera and screen that icon has....and if you're not happy with that either gou can go back to 8.1 using the recovery software.

One correction, the Slow ring is Redstone. Release ring is still Threshold for now.


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Jul 10, 2016
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When I got the phone the guy had rolled it back to 8.1 using the recovery tool. I took it to the Verizon store to get a SIM and it updated to 418 in the store and then to 420 the next day. It now wants to update to 494 but I think I will leave it alone until the final build comes out in August. I may roll it back to 8.1 after that since I don't really need continuum, etc. but I'd like to stay on WP10 if it becomes more stable with new releases.
Does the 822 run OK on WP10? I've read that it really doesn't have the horsepower to run it smoothly.


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Apr 27, 2012
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When I got the phone the guy had rolled it back to 8.1 using the recovery tool. I took it to the Verizon store to get a SIM and it updated to 418 in the store and then to 420 the next day. It now wants to update to 494 but I think I will leave it alone until the final build comes out in August. I may roll it back to 8.1 after that since I don't really need continuum, etc. but I'd like to stay on WP10 if it becomes more stable with new releases.
Does the 822 run OK on WP10? I've read that it really doesn't have the horsepower to run it smoothly.

Even with WP10, I am almost certain the icon cannot do contnium. Some features I like on the icon is screen share feature to my hdtv, also it can count the number of steps you take. I do miss that glance feature though from the 822 and 928.

I am actually surprised with the 822 running WM10. It's not my main device, but I use it on wifi around home and apps/menus open fine. I actually use it a lot for the glance feature to have a clock/date in my room. Battery life seems to last less compared with 8.1. But overall it runs well.

On a side note, I think the 928 is a good middle ground device between the icon and 822. You still you your glance features and you get a better screen and camera too. That could be another device for you to try if you havent already.


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Jul 10, 2016
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I don't think the 928 is significantly better than the 822. Both 8MP cameras, both dual core 1.5GHz, 1GB RAM, 928 is 4.5in vs 4.3in screen but higher density. But they are really cheap on ebay! Although, I bought this Icon for about 60.00 in really nice shape. If I can make the Icon work, I'd like to keep it just for the camera. I take pictures everyday for work and the camera is important. Hopefully, the next update is a bit more stable. If only I could have glance back, though!

Chintan Gohel

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May 23, 2014
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I don't think the 928 is significantly better than the 822. Both 8MP cameras, both dual core 1.5GHz, 1GB RAM, 928 is 4.5in vs 4.3in screen but higher density. But they are really cheap on ebay! Although, I bought this Icon for about 60.00 in really nice shape. If I can make the Icon work, I'd like to keep it just for the camera. I take pictures everyday for work and the camera is important. Hopefully, the next update is a bit more stable. If only I could have glance back, though!

do the update to .494, it should help a bit

For battery issues: A few things you can try out:
  1. Check settings >system > battery > which apps are using the most energy?
  2. Again, in battery section, which apps can run in the background? Can you disable those you don't need? Keep messaging enabled to run in background
  3. In battery section, you can also set up battery saver to kick in when the battery reaches a certain percentage. I keep mine on 100% so it's always on battery saver mode
  4. In mail app, how often do you have mails to sync? Generally the longer the time period, the less the battery usage
  5. What about brightness settings? Is it on high or auto? Auto is better than a fixed setting
  6. If you find that messaging app uses a lot of battery, this could be because it's linked with skype. Go to messaging app, settings and unlink skype
  7. In photos app, do you have auto upload of photos enabled? If yes, try to not upload high res photos and videos unless you are charging the phone and on wifi
  8. When you use some apps that are not data heavy like whatsapp or mail, you can use a lower network speed like 2G. It's what I do usually. I only use LTE when I have to use 6tag
  9. If you're using edge for basic browsing, you could try using UC browser. Not only does it use less data but you can also disable images which means you save even more on data. The less data your phone has to receive, the less the energy used
  10. In settings > privacy - check each of those settings to see which apps can use what. For example I can't understand why Word would need to access location info so I disabled that. There might be apps using services that they are not meant to use
  11. Finally, keep wifi/cellular off when you don't need to have them on. The toggles in action centre are pretty fast so it doesn't take much time in switching internet on/off
  12. Disable auto update of apps, you only update when you are ready and not when you are in need of critical things

Hope this helps you


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Sep 25, 2013
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When I got the phone the guy had rolled it back to 8.1 using the recovery tool. I took it to the Verizon store to get a SIM and it updated to 418 in the store and then to 420 the next day. It now wants to update to 494 but I think I will leave it alone until the final build comes out in August. I may roll it back to 8.1 after that since I don't really need continuum, etc. but I'd like to stay on WP10 if it becomes more stable with new releases.
Does the 822 run OK on WP10? I've read that it really doesn't have the horsepower to run it smoothly.

Quick answer - Yes. I have both a 822 and 928 running the latest production version. Both seem to work quite well. Very serviceable as daily drivers...


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Sep 25, 2013
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So, does the 822 running 10 still have tap to wake and glance? How is battery life with the 822 on 10?

Again, yes. DT to wake and glance fully supported on both my devices (the prime reason I never migrated to the Icon...)

Battery seems just slightly less. However, my best results were from a clean install! You will avoid a load of issues.


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Jul 10, 2016
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Again, yes. DT to wake and glance fully supported on both my devices (the prime reason I never migrated to the Icon...)

Battery seems just slightly less. However, my best results were from a clean install! You will avoid a load of issues.

That's good info- thanks. Are you running 420 on the 822? I wonder why the Icon battery life is so bad. I have all the background apps disabled except phone, messaging and email. Battery was fully charged last night and was down to 82% this morning. I just keep it on a charger unless I'm going somewhere and anything that uses the cpu makes it get hot very quickly. Shot a 20sec video and uploaded it to my one drive and it was really hot after that. I guess 4 cores at 2.2 vs 2 cores at 1.2 create a lot more heat...


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Jul 10, 2016
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I did the 494 update to the Icon since it kept bugging me to do it. Seems stable and battery life is a bit better. I may do the WP10 update to the 822. Is there a good step by step tutorial on the forum that someone can recommend? Should I just wait until the final build comes out in Aug? There is no hurry since the Icon is working fine...

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