I was on Windows 10 and the camera worked normally 100 but RAM is low.
I decided to go back to Windows 8 but was shocked when I saw a camera not working and explained the problem in the video
Then you update back to Windows 10
The Oujda camera works but there is a problem (the rear camera is working but the front does not work) or the camera gives an error
0xA00F4246 (0xE8010014)
The problem is resolved 0 xA00F4246 (0xE8010014) Restart the phone, but after a while the error returns.
What solved the problem؟
Attempting to update apps from the store will not work.
Not all updates will work.
It would not be useful to delete a Skype application.
Trying to apply another camera will not work.
I updated my phone in the following way:
After updating wp10 from the following methodhttps://forum.xda-developers.com/windows-10-mobile/guide-win10-mobile-offline-update-t3527340
2- Then, you modify the registry as in the following linkhttps://forum.xda-developers.com/lumia-920/general/how-to-upgrade-lumia-920-to-windows-10-t3451644
I was on Windows 10 and the camera worked normally 100 but RAM is low.
I decided to go back to Windows 8 but was shocked when I saw a camera not working and explained the problem in the video
The Oujda camera works but there is a problem (the rear camera is working but the front does not work) or the camera gives an error
0xA00F4246 (0xE8010014)
The problem is resolved 0 xA00F4246 (0xE8010014) Restart the phone, but after a while the error returns.
What solved the problem؟
Attempting to update apps from the store will not work.
Not all updates will work.
It would not be useful to delete a Skype application.
Trying to apply another camera will not work.
I updated my phone in the following way:
After updating wp10 from the following methodhttps://forum.xda-developers.com/windows-10-mobile/guide-win10-mobile-offline-update-t3527340
2- Then, you modify the registry as in the following linkhttps://forum.xda-developers.com/lumia-920/general/how-to-upgrade-lumia-920-to-windows-10-t3451644