I am having the same issues. Alphajax, angry birds space, angry birds star wars, wordament and the smartglass application will not connect to xbox live. Alphajax will not let you play at all. Angry birds will let you play the game, but you cannot view achievements or obtain them, because I receive an error saying I need to sign into xbox live! I've had windows phone 7 (HTC HD7) with no issues at all with xbox live games, now I have the Lumia 920, and it just doesn't seem to work. I have seen other posts similiar to this, some say they solved the problem by correcting their time zone, others say the problem just went away on it's own. I've tried everything from hard reset of phone, to uninstalling the apps and reinstalling, switching off the connection to xbox live, and back on, switching phone on and off, wifi connection vs 3G/4G etc....nothing is resolving the issue. I don't know if its a problem with the apps or the phone. How many people are suffering with this problem? Does anyone have a clue to solve it?