Lumia 920 for T-Mobile unofficial/official thread

Downloading a keyboard input in another language triggers an over the air update which for some reason allows teathering.
Hello Maersk,

Are you saying that the download of another language keyboard works with the truly unlimited plan?

Tethering worked when I tested it with the T-Mobile rep at the store before I did anything. I am trying to find the work around for the truly everything plan.
It is looking like the Rogers version IS the developers unit just a different batch number is all. I wonder how much longer Rogers will continue to sell this version? Thanks for the info by the way.

Someone who has the developers unit is sending me a screen shot of their apn as the T-Mobile access point that I have on mine, the mms does not work.

Now someone just has to work on tethering. The T-Mobile unlimited plan does not allow tether but I heard there is a work around.

FWIW on my dev phone when I go to settings -> extras/info the additional info sections has this as the model name:
Hello Maersk,

Are you saying that the download of another language keyboard works with the truly unlimited plan?

Tethering worked when I tested it with the T-Mobile rep at the store before I did anything. I am trying to find the work around for the truly everything plan.

Actually I don't know. Just passing the info along in case some didn't know about it. Doesn't hurt to try.
I agree, I tried it and thought maybe I did something wrong if you got it to work.

Thanks for the info

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