I've been pouring over this thread for a couple of days because I'm close to buying the E-Bay unlocked 830.
Now that me 925 is straightened out I'm just not sure.
What's bugging me about the 925 mostly is no expandable storage.
I've been videoing a lot lately and have had to turn to my 635 with it it's SD card for longer videos and editing with the new movie creator app.
I'm thinking the camera on the 830 has to be a step up.
Me picture taking and addiction to cameras is mostly what's driving my want for this phone.
...well along with the 5 inch screen and expandable storage.
If I fall and press the buy button the 830 would be my pocket preference and the 925 will drop to the back up spot of course.
Gotta say if the L925 had that SD slot I wouldn't even be here
(Apologies to the OP for stealing time on your thread)