Lumia 930 overheating!

I've had my L930 for 6 days and have noticed how warm it can get after a lot of use and when on charge. The battery also doesn't appear to be brilliant, although not terrible. So I'm going to run the battery all the way down tonight (for the first time) and see if this improves matters.
I bought the L930 on the day it was released so I have some experience at this point<snip>
Can you tell me what your battery life on an average day is? Mine came out to 12hrs until absolutely dead. I must have browsed and played video games for 2hrs throughout the entire day. Is this normal? I'm coming from an 8X and 620 which (to me) have good battery life that all phones should have.
Can you tell me what your battery life on an average day is?

25 hours. I'm averaging 4 to 5% per hour.

What I suggest is to turn off all of these I pointed above, wait day or two then turn on one after one (that you still want to use of course) on a daily basis. You will find your problem in no time.
This phone is hot, i turned off as much feature i can but still hot when in use. So it is hot for sure.
well iwang, it's either you have a defective device, or you have some background processes that are running which wasn't turned off.
Why would i need to shut off everything? The phone stay cool if not,used, get warm and hot when in use, even light use.
I got my brand new Lumia 930 yesterday. When I first set it off the poor thing got VERY hot as it was charging and downloading over twenty apps. After that it cooled down. It gets a little warm in the bottom right corner (where others have reported) but within expectations and certainly no hotter than my Lumia 800 got whilst being charged.

So far I am very happy 😊. No big heating problem what-so-ever.
Can someone help me I woke up this morning to check my 1020 and the lock button would not work and the only way I could unlock my phone was by plugging in our unplugging my charger but I know the lock button works because if hold it down it'll ask me to slide to power off but that's not all I also tried to download the new lock screen app and it just says "pending" I tried downloading other aps and it said the same thing I also tried soft reset, connecting to different WiFi networks, making more space, restarting my phone and nothing works also around the same time all this stuff started happening I tried turning off my phone and it wont stay off and sometimes when i plug in the charger to unlock my phone if I unplug it my phone still says its charging even though its not on the charger and my phone has been slow and laggy because of it can anyone help me because I really don't want to hard reset and then still have the same problems
Wow this phone addition to being late to market came out so buggy. Some have screen coloring issues, others have overheating, buttons are not responding. Wont be surprised if it starts freezing 10times everyday after month or two, like 928 used to (including me)
Can you tell me what your battery life on an average day is? Mine came out to 12hrs until absolutely dead. I must have browsed and played video games for 2hrs throughout the entire day. Is this normal? I'm coming from an 8X and 620 which (to me) have good battery life that all phones should have.

Rubbish phones do have good battery lives. I have a ?10 Samsung which only does calls and texts and the battery lasts an entire week with every day use.
Rubbish phones do have good battery lives. I have a ?10 Samsung which only does calls and texts and the battery lasts an entire week with every day use.
I'm with you, in that if you're doing basic tasks, why would the battery drain. But for me, as soon as I got my 930. I transferred everything that I had on the 8X to that phone (this includes whatsapp/kik/messenger). My 630 (work phone) still has whatsapp and kik running, along with lockscreen updating in the background, and an image over the tiles, its wifi is constantly on, and it's what I use to play music in my car. I have 4 email accounts set to as items arrive. It outlasts the 930 when I'm trying to NOT use my 930 all day.

Day 3 Well, my phone doesn't scold me anymore, it's just your standard heat. My battery life now shows 17hrs remaining as soon as I take it off the charger again (just like yesterday). Will do a hard reset later today. This is ridiculous.
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Is completely flattening the battery useful in improving battery life even though its brand new?
Is completely flattening the battery useful in improving battery life even though its brand new?
Battery life not so much, but you'll get more realistic readings from then on. The benefits where highlighted earlier in this thread.
Thanks. I feel like ignorance is bliss, love mt 930 but after reading defects thread im playing with my back cover and it clicks etc, wish I just didn't know lol
Day 4 I hard reset the phone yesterday, I loaded up a backup but didn't let the store to automatically update. I updated every Microsoft application (news, travel, sports, finance), and even other popular ones (4th & mayor, reader, ebay, HERE, kick, linkedin, nextgen reader, etc). I left Facebook BETA and all the system apps without updates.

Yes my phone became scolding hot (as it should) so I actually put it on top of a few rags and under them was an ice pack (wanna prolong my battery life here). Anyways, the important news. Phone stayed cool after I launched all apps and kept it on the ice pack for a few hrs. Battery status. 85% remaining. Time since last charge 3hrs. Time remaining 1day and 8hours. Now we're talking!

This is with how I think settings should be (Bluetooth on, as items arrive, NFC off, Wifi/data on when needed, sync and backup all information on). All that's left is to enable motion data.

I just installed Facebook BETA, will see how that syncs and plays with the battery. Tomorrow I update the system tools one by one each hour. Either motion data, or battery saver are the killer here. Or, all that was needed was a hard reset? (I hope)
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After 6 days, my battery lasts a day and it no longer burns my hand on charge. The only things I did was disabled background running of battery saver app and changed all my email syncs to anything other than "based on my usage".

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