Lumia 950 how to "effectively" increase battery life?


Nov 15, 2017
Hi all,

I just upgraded from a Lumia 640 to a Lumia 950 (second hand) and its great so far (well I like both phones but the 950 takes the cake ofcourse). The only thing that I would like to increase is my battery life a bit. Especially when the screen is on the battery seems to drain quite fast (even with screen brightness set to low). I think the main culprit its the high resolution screen. Though I gather its probably not possible to lower the screen resolution? (cause honestly I don't think I would see the difference anyway if e.g. it would be set to fullhd or such)

So I have been thinking about alternative solutions. Perhaps the Lumia 950 can charge when I connect it to my laptop usb 3.0 port? I tried that once with a Chuwi (vi8 plus) tablet which worked but I don't know if the Lumia 950 also supports it?

If that isn't an option, are there perhaps other tricks out there? Maybe some huge battery or perhaps removing backgrounds from start etc or such?

Also please note that I already turned of most background apps and the battery info says the drain is mostly from 'start', 'note tiles' app, mail & agenda, what'sapp.

-edit; forgot to mention that I am running version/update 1709.

Thanks for taking the time.
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I still had a usb-c to usb-a cable lying somewhere so I now use that to recharge the battery at e.g. the middle of the day a bit (/connected to my laptop), which works good enough so far. Its not ideal but its handier than using 2 power cords.

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