Lumia Icon on AT&T - where is the MMSC APN field?

Hello all, take it for what it's worth, but I have done some extensive research and had numerous Technical Service conversations with tier 2 technicians at ATT. My findings are that At&t's MMS service is not compatible with this phone in any way. Its not the MMS APN settings, or radio issues. It has to do with the global roaming features of this phone defaulting to the VZN messaging servers regardless of the access point settings.

You have just destroyed my dream of possibly ordering this phone. I have a 925 now and love it and wanted to take the plunge but now I am very afraid if everything will work properly. I am in Canada and on the Rogers network. Anybody have any insight on this and has anyone ordered this phone and used it in Canada?????

Sorry All, I had to learn the hard way about this. Hope it may help some make a decision if they are on the fence. I feel that a great camera with no native picture messaging seems silly. The Icon is a great piece of hardware, and 8.1 DP definitely is a big step up for the platform.
Well that sucks. I wanted to order this phone for use in Canada on the Rogers network and now you have shattered my dream. I am currently on a 925 which I love but I want that bigger display and smaller bezels. Anybody get this to work properly here in Canada on Rogers???
I am using the sim card taken out of my lumia 1020. I did not go to AT&T store and get a sim card specifically for the icon. Has anyone done that? I can send MMS and cannot receive it. That is only thing that bothers me.
Is the mms issue present with a T-Mobile sim or is this an issue for all GSM carriers?

It works with my Straight Talk SIM, but not with my AT&T, so it might work with T-Mobile. I think it comes down to what kind of device the carrier's servers decide you are using. My guess is that MMS messages are formatted differently, depending on the device.
I picked this phone up for a super good i aint worried about MMS. Use Telegram or Whatsapp.
Hi~ I met a problem. I got the Lumia icon and I am going to use my ATT simcard. And the talk and sms are working well but I cannot use the ATT cellular net no matter how I set the APN. Could you tell me how to set it? Thanks !
Hi~ I met a problem. I got the Lumia icon and I am going to use my ATT simcard. And the talk and sms are working well but I cannot use the ATT cellular net no matter how I set the APN. Could you tell me how to set it? Thanks !
It might be something on att side. I would give them a call and see if they can help

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
did ya'll figure it out? if not let me know.. I have had mms and internet on my icon on At&t sim.
had it working on bell canada with the accesspoint app, but now with denim access point doesn't work and mms no longer works. SUPER annoying.
AFAIK it's dead. They said they were replacing it with automatic carrier apn's with cyan. That's why it doesn't work post cyan. I think we might be SOL.
Access Point was last updated Jan. 16/15 so it is obviously still being updated; at least occasionally.

I'm on Telus and am eagerly waiting for this access point app to work again. Besides the occasional loss of signal at home (rare), the MMS thing is my only grief.
I heard from another forum that the DP breaks the APN app, but if you hard reset and update without DP while your new sim is inserted,it will work.
I recently got an icon and am using mms on att. So here's what I did. I was on windows 10 TP. So I did a recovery back to 8.1 denim. You may not have to. Some steps may not be needs buts this is how I got mms to work and the lte symbol sometimes. I get 3.4 down and 7 up.
Go to cellular and sim.
Tap on sim settings
Change the sim 1 name to wap.cingular
Turn on manual
Tap on edit
Apn field - pta
Username- leave blank
Password - leave blank
Proxy sever -
Proxy port - 80
Test- didn't work
Downloaded system pusher app in store
Installed access point
Went to access point - said not supported only earlier versions
Tested mms- it works.
My device is a verizon 929 w denim att USA
I was able to get it working on AT&T on 8.1 by re-enabling the MMS APN using a modified version of the W10TP hack on XDA. You have to customize the XML in the WPFlights.xml. Will find the link for you, but be very careful

Here is the link to the thread I had created earlier this week. Just followed up with the instructions and link to the original W10TP workaround that adapted to unhide the registry settings

See Post #4 Windows Phone 8.1 MMS APN Settings Toggle - XDA
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