Hello all, take it for what it's worth, but I have done some extensive research and had numerous Technical Service conversations with tier 2 technicians at ATT. My findings are that At&t's MMS service is not compatible with this phone in any way. Its not the MMS APN settings, or radio issues. It has to do with the global roaming features of this phone defaulting to the VZN messaging servers regardless of the access point settings.
You have just destroyed my dream of possibly ordering this phone. I have a 925 now and love it and wanted to take the plunge but now I am very afraid if everything will work properly. I am in Canada and on the Rogers network. Anybody have any insight on this and has anyone ordered this phone and used it in Canada?????
Sorry All, I had to learn the hard way about this. Hope it may help some make a decision if they are on the fence. I feel that a great camera with no native picture messaging seems silly. The Icon is a great piece of hardware, and 8.1 DP definitely is a big step up for the platform.